Chapter 15 : Return of the Great

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The greatest singer-musician Park Chaeyoung is officially back in her throne.

Since the day started, Chaeyoung has been taking over the news, the newspapers and every social media platform by storm. The day of her comeback is here, officially happening before everyone's eyes to witness her greatness and the perfection of her work. Her album that was sold out in every store, online or not, her music video that broke the streaming sites, Chaeyoung's power is being felt everywhere.

Her album hit the roof, getting that perfect all-kill in every music sites that every singers and idol groups dream of to achieve, snatching bags of number one here and there. Her music video grabs the top trends and the fans are hyping her up not just within the country but also worldwide. This is Park Chaeyoung, the great woman she is that Jennie gets to experience first time.

Jennie's eyes glittered watching the good news on the television. Chaeyoung has been in every news since the morning and until now that it's late afternoon, Jennie's still amazed of Chaeyoung's popularity. "She's more than I expected her to be. She's really amazing." She commented proud.

Being a proud nanny, she snapped a photo of the on-going news showing her achievements so far. "Congratulations for the millionth time!" Then she sent this to Chaeyoung with an attached message to it.

For a minute or two, she was hoping her phone would buzz and receive a reply, which didn't actually happen. Nevertheless, Jennie expected it as Chaeyoung's schedule, as what she's been told, is fully packed and she was told beforehand that phones are almost impossible to touch when busy.

Jennie, at some point, she felt a little bit disappointed but she immediately shrugged the feeling off. She didn't let it bother her anymore, rather it motivated her even more to continue doing her very best with this small present she has for Chaeyoung which is a handmade necklace made of small beads.

Jennie cannot afford those branded jewelries on specialty stores. She has no extra money to purchase clothes or even a huge cake for her as most of her salaries go on paying her debts she has left. However, she does have few coins to spare for this handmade necklace which she's working hard on to finish, not caring if she pricked her fingers from the needle that she's using to join the beads together.

"I'm sure this will look good on her. She loves pink after all." Jennie confidently said to boost herself up.

"Unnie! Do I look good?"

Ella came out of her room and presented herself before Jennie. She wears the prettiest pink dress available in her closet that perfectly matched with her glittered silver shoes. She's a Barbie, like a doll that girls would love to dress as the most beautiful princess, and comb that long straight hair she has.

Jennie stares at her smiling proud, nodding as she's satisfied, "You look like a princess young one. I'm sure Chaeyoung will be so proud of you later on when we go to her."

"How about you unnie, what are you still doing? Chaeng-unnie might be waiting for us already at her party." Ella asked, wondering why her nanny still wears her working clothes when the time is ticking fast to dusk.

Jennie hid the necklace she's making behind her back and assures the worried one, "I'll get change in few minutes. We'll go immediately after I'm done with my works here."

Ella simply bobbed her head but Jennie's bleeding fingertips and dirty hands never escaped her concerned looks. She was reluctant to leave her alone yet if she won't, Jennie won't move an inch either. Thus, she went back to her room to fix her own bed she messed up from preparing.

As soon as Ella was out of sight, Jennie went back on working on the necklace. All Jennie wanted for this big day for Chaeyoung is to make her happy, happier than she already is with her success. If there's better than the best, then that's what Jennie wants to achieve for Chaeyoung and through this handmade beaded necklace, she wants to congratulate her and deliver to her how much she supports her, even from behind the cameras.

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