Chapter 1 : Destined Encounter

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Clock strikes eight on a lively night that's early and young yet hyperactive and ecstatic for an exclusive nightclub filled with party people, the young and wealthy to be precise. Just like the Northern lights, the colors are dancing and flashing into the dark, the splash of blues, the brush of greens and the winks of pinks, yellows, blinks of violets to add. The loud banging and deafening sound of club music plays over the wild dance floor with the people's drinks are up in the smoky air as if they are one with the rhythm.

Seated and chilling with a bottle by the bar area of this high nightclub, is a quiet blonde woman observing the people around her using these intimidating eyes she possess that are hidden from anyone's naked eyes beneath her black cap. Without words she rejects the strangers' offer for her to join them in the dance floor with a slight sway of her head and a reserved smile. She's contented of this one bottle of drink in her hand while merely bobbing her head along with the music.

"Hey Chaeng! Are you seriously just going to sit here and watch? C'mon, join me! I promise I'll protect you from anyone on that dance floor!" Approaching from the dance floor is a persistent woman forcibly pulling up this uninterested woman in her peaceful seat.

But the woman retreated her hand and insisted on sitting as she rustles, "Geez Lisa, can you lower down your voice? People will find out we're here partying and they might take photos of us and share it on social media. If that happens then we're both over."

The persistent one, Lisa, giggles silly, "Oh yeah, sorry about that." Then she decided to join her in her peaceful space, "I can't possibly blow off your cover especially that you just announced your comeback, the great musician Park Chaeyoung."

"You too, supermodel. You cannot easily show off your identity now that you're being booked overseas too." The blonde, who was called Chaeyoung, reminded and grabbed Lisa's bucket hat to lower it down more in order not to be recognized by anyone else.

Jamming into the music in their seats, bobbing their heads and sipping on their drinks, Lisa breaks the comfortable silence between them as she expresses, "You'll be busy again soon. We won't be able to see each other often again and party like this. It's just like our busy old days again. We can only meet once in a blue moon."

"You make it sound like I'm a regular in this club when you just forced me here tonight. We could have just conducted a party at my place so it would be safer and we have more freedom to move around without this disguise." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and her hand instinctively grabbed a second bottle from the bucket.

"Yeah right, because you cannot leave that little girl all alone for so long." Lisa grumbled and mimicked how Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "How long has it been since you got that girl by the way? It's been a year or more perhaps? I kind of forgot since you've been always stuck with her." She then said more and twisted her seat to face the bartender.

Chaeyoung followed her moves, sighing as Lisa just unintentionally made her go through a flashback of the whole year. "She has a name you know, and it's Ella. This is why she doesn't like you too much, you always forget her name. But yeah, it's been a year since she started living with me. Time sure flies by so fast."

"And you went on a hiatus for a year just to babysit her. What a mother-figure you are." Lisa teased and received a strong nudge by her waist as an answer.

"I'm not ready to be a mother yet. I'm just an unnie who wants to take her as my younger sister maybe? Or if I have to, then I think it's time for me to train how to become a good mother too." Chaeyoung stated and again opened another bottle for herself.

And after some good seconds of laughter, Lisa articulates thoughtful, looking straight at Chaeyoung, "You know that once you start with your comeback preparations, you'll be jam-packed with schedules again. You'll be busy and you'll barely go back home. You won't be able to take care of that girl, I mean Ella, just like how you used to be for the entire year. You spoiled her too much though I also think it's needed so she won't think about her parents too much."

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