Chapter 8 : Come Back Home

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A so-called home, no matter how huge or narrow the space is, regardless if it means a house or a person, it is where one can be herself. Jennie will never be ashamed of living alone in this tight and limited space of her humble home and show it to Chaeyoung whose own personal space can be ten times bigger than this small place.

"Sorry if I don't have a huge house like you do. If you're not comfortable then you can leave." Jennie said blunt as she welcomes the reserved Chaeyoung inside.

Chaeyoung however replies jolly, "Oh no. I like your place actually. It feels like way back when I was in the orphanage. I used to have this kind of room for myself too. It's cozy and it's comfortable."

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot you used to be unfortunate." Jennie realized as she proceeds to find clothes from her scattered luggage.

Chaeyoung was left alone in the narrow living room as Jennie went to her room for a second. She lurked around, finding nothing much of furniture around, even surprised she has no television equipped. Her low table is small enough for her own. And lastly her eyes landed on the shelf where the urns of Jennie's parents were placed, together with their separate photos.

Needless to say, Chaeyoung knew it's her parents. "She looks like her mom a lot. I wonder if she also takes over her personality." She noticed and smiled at this.

"I hear that a lot." Jennie caught her grinning on her parents' pictures as she came out holding some new shirts which she tossed to the startled musician. "Go and change your clothes quick in the bathroom and I'll boil some water. I only have instant cup noodles if you don't mind having one to warm yourself up." She then ordered and offered.

Chaeyoung isn't in her territory, thus obediently complying with Jennie's orders and went straight to the bathroom. She has expected it won't be as extravagant as hers which didn't bother her. However, what caught her attention were Jennie's underwear and panties freely hanging on a corner in her bathroom's clothesline. It wasn't her intention to stare at these, but those pink panties with bear designs made her burst into laughter and echoed all over.

Jennie heard her radiating laughs from the outside, and realized what the musician must have seen in her small bathroom. She rushed to her which fortunately wasn't closed yet and found Chaeyoung trying to hold back her laughter while facing the panties she forgot to collect before letting her in, too close she could sniff it if she takes another step closer.

"What's funny?" Jennie barked at her as she grabbed all her underwear and panties from the clothesline. "I hanged them there to dry them off and I don't have spaces left in my balcony to hang more! I'm sorry if I don't have dryers like you do and if my underwear aren't branded!" She growled and shamelessly marched out of the bathroom.

Chaeyoung playfully peeks and smirks at the flushing Jennie, "They're cute though. Ella has the same one, the pink bear."

"Shut up! Just do your own thing, will you?" Jennie roared as she threw her shoes towards the door that Chaeyoung quickly closed.

Jennie took this chance to call her best friend whom she knows dead worried while waiting for the water to boil. Playing typical and casual around Chaeyoung strained her, not because it's tiring her physically but because her heart just won't calm down beating around the same space, under the same small roof with her.

"How's everything? Have you talked?" Jisoo immediately asked as she answered, being in the middle of work yet coolly using her phone.

"Well... she's with me." Jennie breathed to ease.


"At home. She's in the bathroom. She even found my panties for God's sake and she even teased me about it. Gosh this is so embarrassing!" She grumbled as low as possible.

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