Chapter 10 : Musician's Nanny

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After a long week, Jennie is finally getting her deserved day-off. The whole week was a rollercoaster living with Ella who is so demanding, not because she hates her but because she loves being around her nanny so much and with Chaeyoung whom she barely sees because of her schedules that are getting a lot more hectic and busier than ever she only sleeps for few hours at night.

Yes, it's her day-off, yet her mind is glued to those two she would space out once in a while despite being with her loudest and only best friend. Jisoo talks and tells her stories while they roam around the city but her mind is flying off somewhere. In every shop they pass by, she would remember the last time she hanged out with Ella. In every intersection, she would see Chaeyoung's advertisements that would make her smile.

"I miss them..." Jennie found herself sighing and unconsciously said her thoughts out loud that Jisoo paused from talking more.

As her best friend suddenly made a stop before they cross the crowded streets, Jisoo notes, looking at Jennie sympathetic, "You've grown to be attached to them, huh?"

"They've been nice and kind to me after Chaeyoung and I started to get along well. There are only two of them in that expansive condominium but it feels like it's filled with so much happiness. Chaeyoung is always out but as soon as she comes back home, everything's just... so bright." Jennie confessed helplessly as she cannot carry this burden all to herself.

They continue to walk and the topic shifted to Jennie's inner troubles. "It can't be help. I kind of knew you'd feel close by heart with them since your job kind of requires that feeling. You're with them all the time and you keep an eye to Ella until she falls asleep at night. She's been a sweet girl too and I cannot blame you if you feel like that." She further empathized.

"It always makes me anxious when I leave them alone every Sundays. I told Ella to send me a message as soon as she wakes up but until now, I haven't received any. Even Chaeyoung hasn't responded when I asked her how Ella is. I don't know if I'm just being hysteric or what..." Jennie droned.

"Relax. It's Sunday and they might be still sleeping you know." Jisoo can only stretch a forced smile for her best friend to ease her apprehensions.

This didn't help Jennie at all for she couldn't stop checking her phone until they reached their destination. Parked from across the street, at the side of a building where a few are only passing by, there Lisa waits for them inside her sports car. The supermodel has always been excited to see them again, especially meeting Jennie again who saw her waving her hand from inside the car.

"There she is." Jisoo pointed at Lisa's sports car and also waved her hand as they jog towards her.

Lisa just came back from her overseas schedule after a long while. She has been constantly in contact with Jennie but it's only today they'll be seeing each other again. While Lisa feels eager, Jennie isn't as much, feeling ordinary and not at the same level as Lisa's eagerness. She smiles but forced for she cannot take off her mind from Ella and Chaeyoung.

Few meters away and Jennie was halted when her phone rings aloud. Her strides immediately stopped and quickly picks up the call coming from Ella, "Good morning Ella!" She happily greeted but she was returned with faint sobs and weak cries. "Hey, what's wrong?" She grew in horror then Jisoo also stopped to check.

"Unnie, help me. I don't know what to do." Ella sobbed hard.

"Why, what happened? Why are you crying? Tell me." Jennie began to be frantic in her stand and so is Jisoo as they let the curious Lisa wait inside her car for longer.

Ella cries harder, "Chaeng-unnie is sick. She has a high fever and she cannot move at all. I don't know what to do."

Jennie gasped but she ensures not to let Ella know how she was shaken by this so the young girl wouldn't feel worse. Instead, Jennie recomposed herself and tells the girl coolly, "Listen to me. Calm down, okay? Call Chaeyoung's manager first and tell him about Chaeyoung's condition. You can ask help from him."

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