Chapter 7 : One More Chance

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Jennie isn't different from those people typically say, "New day. New Life. Let's move on." She's pretty much similar to those who seek new phase in life after a failure, after a bad experience of the yesterdays. Though the happenings of the past somewhat pass through her mind every day, a simple shrug of the shoulders would make these flashbacks wash out of her mind.

She came back to her small yet tidy place tired from a long day of job-hunting. Yet coming out from a hot bath, her confidence is restored and freshens up with a can of cold beer she could afford with her few coins left in her wallet. Jennie is a simple woman who easily gets satisfied with the simplest things in life but then life isn't giving her the simplest choices.

Laid on her table is the unsigned contract that Lisa sent through her mailbox. While she dries her messy hair with a towel, she paces around her almost empty living room and reads the terms and conditions of the contract. The salary is higher than what Chaeyoung offered. The benefits are superb as well. Anyone can tell that this is one of the best offers in the town.

"Personal assistant, huh? Should I get it? If I do, I'll still have connection with Chaeyoung somehow and it might be uncomfortable for the best friends. If I don't then I might end up starving and put behind bars for not paying my loans too. I need money..." Jennie contemplated as she groaned and dropped her butt down her bedside.

In the midst of her deep thoughts and considerations, someone knocked onto her door. She checked on her time and she never had visitors at such hour before. "That can't be Jisoo-unnie. She's on night shift." She supposed. Then another set of knocks came and this time Jennie went up to get it.

"It must be the landlady then. She must have forgotten that I've paid the rent for this month already." Jennie confidently assumed and thus she never bothered to fix herself, not even putting up a bra beneath her thin shirt, thinking it's just the old lady who wouldn't care about her night get-up.

"I already paid my—" Jennie said as she carelessly opened her door wide but instantly cut off as what appeared before her eyes is something, rather someone, she least expects would drop by to her poor life.

"Oh... Hi. Good evening."

Standing before Jennie's widened eyes is the musician in her disguise, Park Chaeyoung. Their eyes met and it felt like everything went on slow motion. The musician isn't wearing any make-up, Jennie can tell as her eyes aren't intimidating, rather too innocent like an angel. Her skin is still as clear as crystals, and Jennie wasn't able to help herself but to blush as she finds her attractive up close.

Whereas Chaeyoung blushed and felt a bit embarrassed at the sight of Jennie in her most casual outfit she has seen so far from her, too casual that she could see her uncovered breasts beneath her white shirt and those short shorts that Jennie never dared to wear in front of her or even Ella.

However, Jennie had to snap back to reality, thus stepping back to cover her chest with her arm and quickly wears her cold expression. "Why are you here? What brings you in this place? Are you going to sue me after what I did to Ella according to your accusations?" She asked nonstop, annoyed in her tone and gave a stance of intolerance.

"Can we talk?" Chaeyoung asked innocently like she didn't hear Jennie's rants and wasn't bothered for a second of her overly 'casual' shirt.

Yet Jennie raises an eyebrow, still giving her those icy looks, "We already are talking though as far as I remember someone standing in front of me once said she doesn't want to see or talk to me ever again."

Jennie shut her door closed for she cannot stand exchanging eye contacts with her longer, for either she feels annoyed or she would melt into admiration. And so Chaeyoung knocks persistent as she speaks louder, "Open the door. I just want to personally talk with you."

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