Chapter 11 : Growing Bonds

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"Have you made it to work?"

"I just arrived. I'm going up to the recording studio."

"Don't forget to eat the sandwich I made for you and share it to the other staffs too."

"I will. Thanks for being there and take care of Ella for me."

"Don't worry. Everything's well-prepared."

"Good. You can always reach out to me if there's anything."

"Sure boss. I'll be with Jisoo-unnie for a while."

"Take care, Nannie~"

These are the fast exchange of messages between Jennie and Chaeyoung as the latter is energetic and evidently high-spirited going to her first day of work since she was caught into fever. During those days Chaeyoung couldn't do so much but to obey and follow all the doctor's orders to get a complete rest, she has gotten so much closer to Jennie as she was able to spend more time with her, together with Ella, than before.

"You look like someone who didn't come from being sick." The manager teased as Chaeyoung entered the recording studio, full of smiles as she's staring at her phone.

"Jennie Kim must have been a good caretaker, huh?" The staffs hooted and the teases spread fast as everyone started to join in with the chants for the embarrassed Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung was taken off-guard from their unexpected kind of morning greeting. They immediately knew the source of this good vibe she's emitting on a broad daylight. She can deny if she wants to but the bad thing is that her blushes and her crooked smile gave it all away, almost admitting that they are right even without confirming anything.

She just placed the bag that Jennie prepared as she offers, boasting to every person in the place, "Guys, Jennie made sandwiches for everyone since we'll be wrapping up the songs today and to commemorate this day. She's amazing, isn't she?"

While the hungry staffs are feasting on the sandwiches that Chaeyoung almost couldn't save one for herself, the manager approached her and conveys, "We will be wrapping up your album songs today and it won't take that long because you managed to perfect some already. We'll immediately start shooting your photos for your album and music video once everything's clear and prepared. Then we'll proceed to releasing your teasers one by one and definitely, you'll be fully-booked, more during your promotion period."

"I know. The director already told me." Chaeyoung sighed for she is aware of the consequences of her upcoming tighter schedules.

"What I'm saying is that you won't be doing too much today. After cleaning up your songs, you're advised to rest and get in best shape for your photoshoot so most probably, you'll be sent back home early today and so you can regain back your full strength too." The manager gladly informed.

Which brought a huge smile out of the musician's lips, "Really?"

"You would love to spend some quality time with the nanny, right?" The manager winked and Chaeyoung was rattled. "C'mon, don't be shy around me. Jennie took care of you and who wouldn't love to pay back her hard work with some quality time, right? If I have a maid at home who does their jobs extraordinary I would love to treat them with something too." He added.

Chaeyoung acknowledges as her thrilled smile is put back on her lips, "You're right. She never left my side when I couldn't do anything to help myself. She doesn't even have time for herself anymore because of us. Sometimes I feel bad too that I have to make her work nonstop. Though I ask her to rest, she just keeps on working and I can't do anything to stop her. I would really love to give something in return."

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