Chapter 4 : Job Starts

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The car's radio is playing Chaeyoung's hit song accompanied by her favorite instrument, the acoustic guitar. Because her comeback was announced, her songs from her last album is being played all over the country again, from radio stations, online streaming sites and even local broadcasts are using it. Almost everyone, the general public, as can be seen on the streets from inside the running car, is jamming to her songs.

Despite how loud Chaeyoung's songs are resonating everywhere, Jennie hears none of these for her ears are blocked by her loud heartbeats thumping against her chest. As they are getting closer to their destination, the more her heart explodes in beats. She's never been this anxious and nervous before, and now that it's happening, it's draining the hell out of her in this sunny morning.

"Don't be nervous. It's not that Chaeyoung will eat you alive in their place. She's actually waiting for you to arrive later on." The manager, who is carefully driving Jennie to her destination, had to speak as he noted Jennie's uneasy gestures at the back seat.

"Have you been there? Have you met Ella? How is she? Is she a good girl? Or is Chaeyoung strict in the household? Do you think they will be hard on me? Are they nice?" Jennie asked reserved yet nonstop with her concerns out of her anxiousness.

The manager burst out laughing at her queries, "Relax. Chaeyoung is as nice as what and how you see her on televisions in real life. You've met her last week so you should probably have a little gist of her personality already."

"That's the problem. We didn't have a good first encounter and we don't really like each other. I doubt if she'll be nice to me." Jennie mumbled under her breath.

As the manager didn't hear her remarks, he went on sighing as he reveals, "Your problem might be Ella though."

Jennie leaned closer to the driver's seat as she was alarmed by this unexpected revelation, "Why? Is Ella a problem child? Is she a brat?"

"Well..." The manager was reluctant at first and Jennie uses her sparkling eyes to lure him to spill it out which he can see through the front mirror. "'s not that she's a problem child. She's also nice and lovely. It's just that she doesn't approve of having a nanny to take care of her. She has been sulking from Chaeyoung since she found out she'll have a nanny." He was forced to say more.

"Then why was I still hired if Ella herself is against it?" Jennie asked.

"Chaeyoung said so and it's needed." The manager replied short for her concern. "Anyway, it's part of your contract not to ask more than what's being told to you or anything that's out of your job. You'll be there as a nanny and handle Ella, not to gather personal and private matters. Unless Chaeyoung or Ella tells you something more than what you know and see through the internet, then you're allowed to ask more information from them. It might sound rude from us but it's needed as a precaution especially that Chaeyoung's comeback is going to happen soon. We just don't want unnecessary rumors to spark before her return to the music industry. I hope you understand. Sorry." He expressed as humble as possible not to offend Jennie.

"Oh, I see. I understand. I'm sorry too." Jennie grasped quick of the circumstance and went back in her own wide space at the back seat.

Jennie's mind cannot be at peace as they are nearing to Chaeyoung's condominium. For her, the time feels like it's moving a lot faster than the usual and it isn't a good sign for her, more now that she found out Ella isn't in favor about her as a nanny. She can feel an unpleasant first meeting with Ella is about to come, like how it went with Chaeyoung.

"Like mother, like daughter, huh... this is going to be a wild job..." Jennie thought, referring Chaeyoung as Ella's mother for she experienced a first bad encounter with Chaeyoung and she's about to expect the same from Ella.

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