Chapter 3 : Meet Again

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Similar to any responsible mother, a guardian or a sister, Chaeyoung fetched her little girl from school and together they drove back home as they jammed to the song on the car's radio. The sun is still setting when they managed to get back home, bubbly and hyperactive as always whenever they are together. And this has been their almost day-to-day routine every weekdays throughout the year that Ella started living under Chaeyoung's roof.

"We're home!" Chaeyoung announced to their expansive yet empty home. Followed by Ella from behind as they remove their shoes by the doorsteps, she asks, "What do you want for dinner? I'll cook some for us."

Ella however rejects and shows a huge grin rather than a frown of disappointment, "It's okay unnie. You don't have to prepare anything. Let's just order take-outs from our favorite restaurants."

"I was actually thinking that maybe at least for tonight, I can cook for you. We always eat take-outs and it's unhealthy. At least once in a while, let me cook for you too." Chaeyoung insisted as she proceeded straight to the kitchen just after she tossed her brown coat on the couch.

Ella followed her and again and watches her ramming through the remaining foods stored in their gigantic fridge. "Unnie, aren't you tired though? You came from a meeting with your producers today. You had a long day at work and moreover, you still went to fetch me at school. I'm sure that's stressful so please don't strain yourself too much." She frowned upon noting that apparent fatigue written on Chaeyoung's face, her cheeks that are falling and those heavy sighs that come after.

Chaeyoung turned back to her and knelt down to look at her straight in the eyes. "You know this unnie of yours will be busy soon and I'm afraid I won't be around with you as much as I want to. So, let me do this for you, okay?"

"If you insist..." Ella glowered. "Just don't strain yourself too much. A simple dinner will do." She added.

"Good. Now go get changed while I cook for our dinner. I'll try to make your favorite ones you used to have when you were younger." Chaeyoung simply smiled at her with a pat on the head to comfort her.

As Ella locked her room, a long heavy breath came out from Chaeyoung. Like what Ella said, she is indeed drained but with just one slap on her cheek, she's back fully-awaked. She put her apron on, tied her blonde hair up and she put her focus back to her work. She thinks that if it's for Ella, then this exhaustion means nothing and she can risk another night to be worn out.

This day-to-day togetherness isn't a new routine for them. They start their day together and they would end their day together as well. Chaeyoung does all the chores that Ella cannot do with her age, while the latter does her homework from school obediently. However, with Chaeyoung's upcoming comeback which is being anticipated widely, their daily lifestyle is starting to take a major shift.

While she beats the egg into a bowl, her phone buzzed from the dining table as she's getting a call from her manager. "Oppa, Ella and I got home safe. I know you called because you wanted to check on us as always." She immediately reported the moment she answered and put it on loud speaker so she can multi-task.

"Well yeah. I called to check on you but there's something more important that I have to relay to you actually. We would want to introduce to you Ella's nanny. We did the screening last time as ordered from the higher-ups and we luckily found one." The manager informed and got Chaeyoung stop from cooking.

"You already found one? That's fast." The amazed Chaeyoung commented. "So, who's this person? I need to know a bit of the background so I'd know how to greet too. It would be rude if I can't say a thing when we meet." She demanded and lends her full ears for the upcoming introduction.

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