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Seraphine's lips were hot and refreshing—literally. Taehyung could taste the freshness of menthol cigarette smoke and spicy chili power against his tongue and it made his hands curl into the fabric of her jacket even tighter. He pushed her against the counter of her small kitchenette, greedily pressing his lips to hers in a mash of pillowy skin and strings of saliva. He gathered air from within her mouth instead of pulling away, already addicted to her plush lips. She hissed at the feeling of the counter edge digging into her back, so Taehyung lifted her onto it and she subconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer.

They hadn't spoke but three words before they were throwing themselves at each other. Neither of them acknowledged the frantic act as something done out of frenzied lonesome, but rather they blamed it purely on temptation and lust. They refused to believe that it was for closeness and warmth of that they both knew they needed, but for the pleasure. However, that's what it was. Underneath the labored breaths and deep grunts lay a desire to seek another just for the purpose of holding close. For filling an empty void with another's heart beat.

"B-Bed." Seraphine choked out, her throat bobbing as she gulped beneath Taehyung's lips. He continued to pepper her neck with light kitten kisses as he snaked his arms around her slim waist and pulled her off the counter, stumbling past the only door within the small apartment—the bathroom. He stumbled his way to the bedroom and rounded the doorframe with difficulty. His nostrils flared, Seraphine's scent much more pronounced. The room smelled of raw mints and vanilla beans and Taehyung sighed against her skin, nipping at it to get a taste.

His knees hit the bed and they collapsed onto it, her hands lost in his raven tresses and her mind clouded with his masculine scent. He felt heavy against her chest and she loved it, loved the feeling of a man pressed up against her, teeth attacking her shoulder and leaving marks. She sighed in content and reached for his shirt, beginning to pull it off his head.

Taehyung pulled away and peeled it off quickly and as he reached for the button of his jeans Seraphine shrugged off her jacket and shirt, tossing in to the floor in a heap of cloth. While unclipping her bra, Taehyung shook his head and she stopped, instead placing her hands to the side in surrender. She was willing to give herself to him for the night, which was something she never really did. She always kept her guard up—but Taehyung made her feel safe so she was allowing herself to relax.

"Let me," he breathed out. Seraphine nodded and watched his face as he tugged his pants off his legs. Taehyung really was beautiful. She didn't care too much to look at his features before but with him hovering over her, looking into her eyes, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was.

He traced with a featherlight pressure the edge of her bra, over the curve of her breast and down to the middle where a small bow of ribbon was, eliciting small goosebumps on her skin. She watched intently, listening to his breathing patterns and her own palpitating heart.

Seraphine arched her back off the bed so he could slip his hands beneath and he fondled the clasp blindly, frowning when it seemed to put up quite the fight. Seraphine giggled, something else she rarely did, but Taehyung eventually unhooked the clasps and pulled the straps down her arms. She gasped when the cold air came in contact with her nipples, making them harden and the skin around them tighten. Taehyung's tongue darted out of his mouth as he leaned down, encasing his lips around one nipple. Seraphine choked on a small moan as he twirled his wet tongue around the bud, pulling it taut.

"T-Taehyung," she moaned. Taehyung smiled and released her puffy nipple, rubbing it with his thumb to hopefully sooth it. He was so hard from listening to her and tasting her so he sat back on his heels, giving her the perfect view of his clothed erection, curved and thick. "Oh, fuck."

"Do we need a condom?" Taehyung said. Seraphine shook her head. She wouldn't lie when it came to this thing, especially one night stands with the convenience store clerk. She was prepared, clean, and she trusted Taehyung, oddly enough. (Obviously she knew protection would still be a good idea but she didn't have any, so oh well.) "Good," Taehyung mumbled. "I want to feel you."

Seraphine whimpered, feeling her cunt clench at the thought. Taehyung carefully gripped her pants and pulled them off her ankles, discarding them on the floor with everything else. Her skin was smooth as he traced his hand up her thigh, groaning at the sight of her panties clinging to her with slick, outlining her folds perfectly.

"God, I haven't done this in so long," Taehyung said.

"Me either," Seraphine said. Taehyung looked into her eyes, seeing a similar emotion he felt flick within the vibrant green of her irises.

"Will it fit then?" Taehyung joked. Seraphine rolled her eyes in a playful manner and shook her head, admiring the different hues of blue in his eyes, making them look like the murky depths of an ocean.

"Don't flatter yourself, Taehyung," she scoffed. "Plus, you know it doesn't work that way." Taehyung chuckled and reached for her panties, pulling them off teasingly slow. They stuck to her glistening lips and she shivered as he pushed them away, gazing at her as if she was a giant hershey kiss. Seraphine felt her cheeks heat up under his gaze but she didn't cover herself. A part of her liked being looked at that way. "You might come if you keep staring."

"Honestly?" Taehyung laughed. "I could." Seraphine reached out for his shoulders and tugged him down, a giddy smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Not yet you won't," she said. Taehyung grunted in agreement and pushed his underwear down his thighs, his hard length springing free and leaking precum from he head.

"Ready?" He asked.


Taehyung reached down and wrapped his hand around his cock, moving his hips forward until the tip was spreading her folds, and Seraphine held her breath as he pushed in, filling her up. It burned a little for a second or two and Taehyung let her adjust before bucking his hips up, making Seraphine moan out.

"Shit, you weren't joking," she hissed. Taehyung laughed and thrust forward, driving deeper into her. Seraphine gasped, digging her nails into his skin as he fucked her slowly. She could feel him buried deep, her walls devouring his length.

He grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed, so tight that he was probably cutting the circulation of her blood flow.

"F-Faster," Seraphine whispered. Taehyung was more than happy to oblige and switched his rhythm as if it were a circuit, pounding into her at an animalistic speed. Seraphine moaned loudly as sweat built up on Taehyung's forehead, making his black hair stick to his skin.

"Fuck—I'm gonna come." He groaned, tightening his hold on her wrists. Seraphine squirmed and she felt his dick throb inside her moments before he moaned and warmth filled her. He continued to fuck her during his high, brining her closer to orgasm, and when she finally reached the edge she came completely undone.

Seraphine whined his name and Taehyung collapsed against her chest, releasing his iron like grip on her wrists to wrap around her waist, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. She breathed heavily and with difficulty, considering there was a whole grown man laying on top of her, but she smiled nonetheless.

"Damn that was good," she said. Taehyung chuckled tiredly and let his eyes shut, too consumed in that euphoric post-sex daze to think about the dangers of staying the night.

 Taehyung chuckled tiredly and let his eyes shut, too consumed in that euphoric post-sex daze to think about the dangers of staying the night

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