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The days were so repetitive. Taehyung would go to work and then he'd head to Seraphine's and they'd fuck and he'd head home. Sometimes he'd have an episode but so far he was able to keep them a secret from her. They were close in more ways than one and their relationship was only growing- Taehyung didn't need her to kick him out too. He couldn't handle it again. He was worried that if it ever came to that point... he'd lose all his sanity completely.

"Smile for once in your life." Seraphine said.

"Sorry Taki." Taehyung sighed. "I'm just tired."

"You always say that."

"It's true." Taehyung shrugged. Seraphine looked at him with boredom and hopped off the counter. She was headed towards her room when a knock sounded against the door and Taehyung looked up, seeing her shrug.

She walked towards the door and opened it, eyes darkening as she greeted the person on the other side of the threshold.

"You're here." She murmured. Taehyung heard a deep chuckle from the other side of the door and he frowned. A guy? Here?


"Can I come in?" He asked. Taehyung stood up from the stool at the counter and joined Seraphine at the door, momentarily catching the guy off guard. He was tall and built well with a sharp jaw and calculating eyes. Taehyung immediately didn't like the protective presence he was giving off.

With two dominant males under her roof, Seraphine gulped, not sure what exactly she should do.

"Sure." She eventually said. They moved out of the way and the man stepped in, hands in his pockets as if this was a casual meeting. In a casual place. But this was Seraphine's home and this guy better have one hell of a reason to be here, otherwise Taehyung was sure he'd burn red holes through his tough frame with his glare.

"Taehyung this is Jungkook, my ex." Seraphine sighed. Jungkook smirked at the way Taehyung's jaw visibly clenched, his jugular bobbing as he fought to maintain a calm voice. When he spoke it came out a little deep and raspy, and maybe a little irritated, but at least Taehyung didn't sound like a complete dick.

"Nice you meet you." Taehyung said. Jungkook raised a singular eyebrow, dark and bold and albeit a little intimidating but it didn't faze Taehyung.

"Likewise..." Jungkook said, drawing out the last syllable as if he were trying to convince himself.

"What are you doing here Jungkook." Seraphine said, already getting annoyed with the tension and the testosterone filling the room like thick smoke, making it difficult to breathe or even think for that matter. "That's a long fucking plane ride you know."

"He probably has a good fucking reason." Taehyung quipped. Jungkook's eyes narrowed over at Taehyung- since they were generally the same height. Seraphine just rolled her eyes.

"Surely what goes on between Sera and I is none of your business." Jungkook snapped.

"Right." Taehyung chuckled, though it lacked any humor. "The only business I've got with her is fucking her so... I guess that means you're right."

"Okay stop. Jungkook you didn't answer my question and Taehyung-... just hold on for a second." Seraphine said, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger.

"I think I'll just meet up with you tomorrow Sera. Don't want any street rats meddling in my business."

Taehyung would've lunged at the man had Seraphine not stoped him, throwing her arm against his chest. Jungkook scoffed and left, the sound of the door slamming shut ringing in Taehyung's fuming ears.

"That bastard." Taehyung snarled. "He's a piece of shit."

"You don't know him Taehyung. And he doesn't know you. So just... forget about him."

"Why's he even here?" Taehyung asked as he followed Seraphine into her room, sitting down on the bed when she flopped onto it in exhaustion.

"For me I'm guessing."

"What do you mean for you? You're not some pawn he can pick up and carry around." Seraphine just grumbled and Taehyung wasn't sure if it was just to shut him up or a sign of her actually listening. "Didn't you leave to get away from him?"

"Just leave it alone Taehyung. It's the past it doesn't matter."

Taehyung huffed. Sure it happened before Taehyung was even in the picture but he was here now and so was Jungkook. And Seraphine was his. They didn't have a label stapled to their foreheads, because quite frankly neither of them wanted one in the first place, but it was still there. Jungkook had no right marching into her place and attempting to claim her. If that is what he was trying to do anyways. Neither of them knew what his unexpected appearance meant.

But could Taehyung even judge him? He had no insight on their past relationship.

He was just a pest.

He was probably walking down the streets at this very moment, poorly lit by the yellow street lamps as he made his way to some motel where he was temporarily staying, planning his little meet up with Seraphine the next day.

Taehyung just didn't like him. He was sure that even if he had nothing to do with Seraphine he wouldn't like him. Just looking at his stupidly handsome face made Taehyung's blood boil beneath his skin.

"I'm going to head out." Taehyung sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay." Seraphine said. Taehyung pulled the blanket over her shoulders and left the room, making sure he had his keys on him before leaving.

The walk home was long and boring and just uneventful. Sometimes Taehyung wished somebody would jut out of an alley and wack him on the head with the butt of a gun- or better yet, shoot him. He didn't want to die but he didn't want to keep living if his life continued to feel like a movie clip, the same loop of film rolling with nothing interesting. It was all passing in front of Taehyung's eyes and he just wanted something nice.

Seraphine was the closest thing he had to that.

So much for wishful thinking. What happened to that hope from earlier?

Yeah it was gone. It never lasted long anyways.

 It never lasted long anyways

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