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The image of Seraphine looking completely broken was stuck inside Taehyung's head like a bad song that was overplayed and stupidly catchy. He hated it and he hated her and he hated himself and he hated the world- why did he think that it would last? Why did he wait until she was staring into the eyes of death before deciding to save her by leaving?

Love really was a terrible thing and Taehyung found himself hating that too.

He wasn't sure what to do. His heart wanted to go run into her arms, so warm and comfy, but he knew it was the right choice to keep his distance. She'd be safer, that's the only reason he wasn't crawling back.

But when she found out he wasn't going to her place after work, then what? Would she go to his? She knew where he lived, so would she scream at him for lying? Maybe he deserved that too.

God he just needed somewhere to be that didn't have himself written all over it. He needed somewhere he had never been. Somewhere new.

Maybe he should just pack up everything and move.

If only he had the money...

"Hey Taehyung." Yoongi greeted, crouched in the candy isle as he finished stocking the shelves. When he stood up he dusted of his knees and bent the cardboard box into a flat plane, tucking it under his arm.


"Everything alright?"

"Same answer as always Yoongi." Taehyung sighed.

"But you look worse every day so that's obviously a lie." Yoongi said. Then he shrugged and gave up, knowing that trying to get Taehyung to talk about himself- especially his feelings- was like wrestling three wild bears at the same time. Nearly impossible.

He grabbed his things and stuffed them in his pocket, taking the flattened box with him to throw out on his way home.

"See you tomorrow Taehyung."

"Hm, bye." He didn't even have the motivation to wave. How pathetic.

Temptation was a bitch and Taehyung wished to throw it into an incinerator so he could watch it cry and burn, melting away.

The solution to some of his problems walked into the convenience store, but if Taehyung were to take up on the pending offer he knew that everything else possible would go wrong.

But damnit Park Jimin was so unbelievably appetizing as he walked through the candy isle, grabbing ahold of what Yoongi had stocked up earlier, his heels clicking satisfyingly on the floor as he waltzed on up to the counter.

Taehyung stared at him with what looked like bored and irritated eyes on the outside, which was mostly true because he really wanted to hate Jimin and his pretty face.

"Looking good today." Jimin snickered. Taehyung was quiet as he rang up the total of Jimin's things, not even noticing that he had picked up a third item. Jimin only ever bought gum and water.

"What's this?" Taehyung asked, picking it up. In fact, it wasn't even up for sale, because it was just a folded piece of paper.

"My address. Just stop by after your shift. We'll talk. That's all. Nothing more needs to happen I just want you to talk to me, okay? As friends?"

Fuck, shit, god actual damnit, uuugh, Taehyung wasn't supposed to have friends!

"Uhm... 'kay." He said. Why'd he say that? The mental facepalm Taehyung performed gave him a headache.

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