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It was bound to happen, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Taehyung was waiting to hear about it. News spread quickly after all, especially when it had something to do with a missing person.

At least the cops have yet to find the body.

Taehyung didn't listen to the gossip, he didn't want to hear it. He couldn't hear it. He was already dragging around the culpability of what he had done, he couldn't handle hearing people judging the very person who was walking by without even knowing.

They just... they wouldn't believe that it wasn't his fault, you know?

"Hey Taki." Taehyung said as he entered her apartment. She never kept the door locked, which he found odd and completely unsafe, but he assumed she had her reasons and didn't care to find them out.

"Hey Tae." She said from the kitchen. Since her apartment was so small it took practically four steps to get to there and he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You're overly affectionate today."

"Don't point it out." Taehyung grumbled near her ear. Seraphine chuckled and he clung to her backside as she did the dishes, eventually stepping to the side to help by drying them off and placing them in their respective cupboards. There wasn't much since she was only one person and didn't have much of an appetite, so it took only a few minutes. "We should go somewhere." Taehyung hummed.


"Somewhere fun. I need to just... let loose for awhile."

"I see... maybe if you talk to Yoongi he'll cover your shift for you and we can go clubbing?"

"Hmm. Clubbing sounds fun." He shrugged. "I'll talk to him."

"Do you need to use my phone?" Seraphine offered, since Taehyung didn't have one.

"No. I need to stop by my house anyways, might as well see him in person."

"But your house is the opposite direction. I can give you a ride."

"It's alright." Taehyung chuckled. Seraphine's brows knit together and she sighed, giving up.

"Okay. Meet me back here at five if Yoongi can cover for you."

"Alright." Taehyung said. He placed his hand on her hip and drew her in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Seraphine smiled. Taehyung never acted so warm-hearted before, so it came as surprise to her. A loving and appreciated surprise at that. "See you later."

"See you Tae."

Taehyung didn't want to look like total street trash while clubbing so he searched the depths of his drawers for something presentable to wear, eventually finding a pair of ripped, patterned jeans- how'd those get in there? He doesn't know- and a buttoned down shirt with intricate designs, all within the pink color family. Taehyung wasn't fond of such attention grabbing clothing, but there wasn't anything nicer. He preferred dark colors and loose shapes when it came to his wardrobe.

But this was his free night so why not make the most of it...? That was the overall mood of clubbing, right? Might as well get a hang of the feeling before he left his house.

The two ate at Seraphine's before they left. They still had hours before the appropriate clubbing time so Taehyung watched her get ready from her bed where he sat. She was leaning against the bathroom sink edge, curling her hair carefully. It was always straight, naturally silky and long, but when she curled it, the strands grew bouncy and looked softer, framing her angular face perfectly.

He continued to watch as she applied some makeup, picking a shade of lipstick when she told him to even thought they were both red. When she was finally done with just that portion of her "getting ready" routine, it was nearing nine o'clock.

"Outfit time." She said, clasping her hands together and rubbing them excitedly. Taehyung stood up and plucked a piece out of her closet that had caught his eye a few times. Maybe it was the sequins catching the light, or the way it looked tight, even from the hanger, that kept distracting him. He wanted to see it on her.

"This one." He said, handing the dress to Seraphine. She gave it a once over and set it on the bed so she could peel her lazy clothes off. Taehyung leaned against the wall, biting his lip as he watched her dress. "Wear that tonight." He said before she had even zipped it up.

Seraphine turned to look at herself, smoothing out some wrinkles. Her sharp shoulder blades were showing, for the dress drooped in the back, and the front was a deep V cut that ended just above her naval. It was black and shiny and Taehyung smirked.

"Isn't this too distracting?" She said, looking at herself in a mirror.

"You look stunning." Taehyung said. He stepped up behind her, facing the mirror and running his hands along her sides, over the mound of her thighs and back up. "People will be jealous."

Seraphine caught Taehyung's gaze in the mirror and smiled cheekily. His eyes were bright with excitement, his shaggy black hair falling before them.

"Let me fix that." She said, dragging him to the bathroom. She used her curling iron to style his hair into manageable waves, forcing them to curl the ways she wanted them too. "There. Now everybody's jealous."

Taehyung snickered, placing his hand dangerously low as he slid past Seraphine and into her bedroom.

"Get your shoes."


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