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And so that's how it went. Taehyung saw Namjoon for an hour every Wednesday before work and he told Seraphine about their conversations after his shift. It was... okay. Everything was okay at the moment. Taehyung was still stressed and uneasy with Yoongi snooping around and V constantly needling him, but meeting with Namjoon made it easier. Taehyung was able to control his temper better and he was able to relax more without things bothering him and occupying his mind.

And, something he hadn't really noticed, he didn't have episodes as much. It was strange, because it seemed like V preferred to talk to Taehyung when he was cognizant instead of taking over his body. He liked to torment Taehyung when he was actually there.

Taehyung wasn't sure which one he preferred. He was able to control himself, but V often made thinking much more difficult when he was provoking him so much.

Luckily, Taehyung had Namjoon to vent too.

He was afraid to tell Namjoon about his episodes but he took it much better than Taehyung thought he would. He did offer to help Taehyung find a doctor but Taehyung was too scared to let more people into his life, and Namjoon understood that. Plus, he wasn't a fan of hospitals and doctors. He didn't like all the people or the smell or the idea that they could just poke him with needles like a test rat.

"Good morning Tae." Namjoon smiled. Ugh his face was a literal block of honey and Taehyung wanted to stare at it forever- what?

V really was a bastard... what kind of thoughts were that? Aish.

"Morning Namjoon." Taehyung said, taking his usual place on the couch. Namjoon sat in his own seat and crossed his legs like he always did, waiting to pull out his book until after he had talked about their weeks thus far. He always made Taehyung go over what he did during their time of separation, just to chat and get the vibe going well.

"Any updates on V?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung huffed and rolled his eyes, which Namjoon though was a little amusing and his smile gave it away.

"He's being a prick."

"So the usual it seems..."

"Yeah it's just- it's just getting harder to differentiate my thoughts from his, you know? Like, sometimes I think something but it's weird so I assume it's actually him...? Maybe? I don't know, it's confusing." Taehyung groaned, frowning.

"Well is there a trend with his thoughts? Are that all about the same topic or similar in some way?"

"Yeah, they're all gross or wrong."

Wanting to kiss that man is not wrong Taehyung.

"Oh shut up." Taehyung mumbled. Namjoon knew he was talking to V, the vein in his neck always throbbed when they were communicating. He was honestly a genius to have noticed that small detail.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing..." Taehyung said, too embarrassed and mad with the voice in his head to speak for him.

Tell him.


Do it or I'll knock you out and tell him myself.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon said, concerned with the way his eyes grew. Taehyung gulped and shook his head, his cheeks flushed red with frustration.

"He said I have to tell you what he's saying or he'll knock me out... I don't want to repeat him but I don't want to put you in danger. I-I think I should just go-" he stopped himself when he felt a warning pain throb in his head and slowly sat back down, the heel of his palm pressed to his temple.

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