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It all spread just like the news of Jungkook going missing did. Fortunately, they were able to find Jimin's body- Jungkook's was still undiscovered and would stay that way- and ruled the incident as suicide.

Jimin didn't have any family or friends. All he had was his small house. And once they found the slits in his wrist they were confident to say he killed himself.

Which led Taehyung to believe he killed himself too. He was a happy customer, so it was a hard pill to swallow, the fact that he took his own life, but what else would it have been?


No. Taehyung couldn't have possibly killed him, there was no evidence pointing to it.

But maybe he could've saved Jimin...

"Taehyung?" Yoongi said. Taehyung flinched, accidentally dropping a bottle of root beer he was about to place inside the freezer. Luckily it didn't explode everywhere, that would literally be a sticky situation. "You're letting all the cold air out."

"Right- sorry."

"Surreal, isn't it?"

"Uh, what is?" Taehyung asked, closing the freezer after he finished stocking it.

"There's too much crime going on." Yoongi huffed, leaning against the cold freezer door. He seemed unfazed that the temperature was making his bare arms goosebump.

"Well, it is Daegu..."

"Yeah but nobody cares about this particular sector. We're all slummed trash, even serial killers wouldn't want to put effort into coming here."

You're talking to one.

"First there was the missing boy, and now somebody's committed suicide. What's next? Robbery? Better yet, who's next?" Yoongi thought aloud, narrowing his already slim eyes in ponder.

You if you don't shut the fuck up.

"Ah shut up." Taehyung mumbled. Yoongi froze, glaring down at Taehyung.

"Excuse me-"

"No! No not you!" Taehyung gasped. "I wasn't talking to you Yoongi I-"

"Then who were you talking to?"

"M-Myself..." Taehyung said, lowering his head in embarrassment. Yoongi sighed and pushed off the door, heading towards the register.

"You should think about taking a day off. You need rest. I can cover your shift again, it's no big deal."

"No, no it's fine. I'm fine." Taehyung assured.

"Don't be afraid to ask for help or even advice at the least, Taehyung."

"I know. Goodbye Yoongi."

"Bye Taehyung." Yoongi said, leaving the convenience store. Taehyung blew out a puff of air. Yoongi was getting close to figuring something out. It bothered Taehyung. If Yoongi could stay out of his business, he'd be safer. The farther away he was, the better.

"You finally got a couch?" Taehyung said as he entered Seraphine's apartment. It looked like she had cleaned, clearing up enough space to fit the new couch. It was purple and made of velvet, looking new and smelling fresh.

"Yep!" Seraphine smiled, flopping down onto it. She sighed and got comfy, relaxing into the cushion as if she was putty.

"Nice." Taehyung said, sitting beside her. It was more like a loveseat since she couldn't afford or fit a full sized couch, but there was never more than two people in the apartment anyways so it didn't matter.

"You look like you've had a long day." Seraphine said, head resting back against the top of the couch.

"Yeah." Taehyung said. "Yoongi's meddling in everything... I think he's trying to figure out stuff on his own or something like fucking Scooby-Doo."

"That's not good. But there's really nothing he can go off of at the moment. If police decide to investigate on all these cases popping up then they'll see there's nothing connecting them."

"Yeah... you're right. It's still worrying though."

"Has V said anything to you today?"

"He's just being his usual self." Taehyung sighed. "He likes to remind me of what's he's done. Or what he wishes to do. Sometimes it's just out of the blue and he says... he says terrible things."

It happened in the most unexpected of times. When Taehyung was assisting a customer, when he was using the bathroom, when he was showering- even when he was sleeping. He'd say things that made Taehyung sick and one time he actually threw up.

"Even right now." Taehyung said, rubbing his fingers against his temples.

"What's he saying?"

"He's talking... about Jungkook."

Remember how tight he was Taehyung?

Oh he felt so good. I'd go dig up his body and fuck it again if I could.

Taehyung gagged and Seraphine flinched, her first instinct to push his hair away from his face in concern, her heart skipping a panicked beat.

But she soon realized he was okay.

"He's disgusting." Taehyung said. Seraphine rubbed his back as Taehyung curled his fingers in his hair, focusing on how soft the tuffs felt instead of just ripping them out.

"I'm sorry..."

"I wish there was a way to shut him up that didn't involve hurting myself in the process." Taehyung groaned in frustration. "This is all so fucking stupid and so fucking exhausting. I'm constantly aware of everything and I can't even have my own head to myself. Honestly, I should just turn myself in to a mental institution."


Oh no, don't do that bucko. You and me both know we wouldn't survive in there for one second.

"I don't care." Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

"Let's go to bed." Seraphine said, gripping Taehyung's hand in her own. His palms were sweaty but cold and she shivered, tightening her grip. "C'mon."

"I need to cool down." Taehyung said, looking up at her. And it was the strangest thing. It was as if she could see his internal battle, the quarrel between himself and V, all given away but the swirl of black in his blue eyes. It was the only reason she gave in, the only reason she dropped his hand instead of persuading him to follow her.

"Okay. Sleep out here...?"

"I should head home..." Taehyung said.

"But I want you to stay here with me. Please." Seraphine whispered.

"Fine. I'll sleep out here." He said, letting his eyes close in regret. But he loved this girl and he couldn't bare to watch her cry again, not right now, so he tugged her down for a kiss then curled up on the small couch, his knees bent and pulled towards his chest so his legs weren't awkwardly propped over the arm of the sofa. Seraphine pulled a blanket out from who knows where and laid it over him before retiring to her room for the night.

See you tomorrow Taehyung.

See you tomorrow Taehyung

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