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Taehyung's body felt drained but his mind was awake so he laid on his bed, springs stabbing his back while staring at the ceiling. After all, the ceiling couldn't think disgracefully of him or kick him out.

He really was insane, wasn't he? To find comfort in a damn ceiling? Maybe it was because he was at home that calmed his nerves. That sweet smell of absolutely nothing that he was used to. It wasn't intoxicating like Seraphine's room was and it wasn't dusty like the store, it was just nothing. It smelled of nothing and Taehyung liked it that way because he didn't have to think about it too much. He spent a large portion of his life using his head and right now he didn't want to so he just stared at that damn ceiling above him, breathing, blinking, relaxing.

By the time Taehyung's work hours rolled around he was already on his way there. It was a walk he had done everyday since he couldn't afford a car- let alone insurance for it- and because of that he was pretty lean and fit. He was healthy. Of all things Taehyung was, healthy was one of them. That's a plus side, eh?

"I restocked most of the shelves." Yoongi said as Taehyung entered the store. "You'll just have to do the freezer and then we're good."

"M'okay." Taehyung said quietly. Yoongi looked at him and Taehyung swore he saw some pity in his eyes but he hated that so he looked away, shooing Yoongi out of the place as he rounded the counter. "Go home. Your shift is over, get out while you can."

"Goodnight then Taehyung." Yoongi said before leaving. Taehyung watched him as he disappeared into the shadows of Daegu's streets, the dark swallowing his frame whole.

"Night Yoongi." He sighed. And boredom set in quickly, getting comfortable in Taehyung's head, legs propped up on some imaginary coffee table as if it belonged there. "Fuck you." Taehyung said to himself.

The next day was the same except Taehyung luckily blacked out before work. His room looked as if a flock of wilds birds had passed through it, leaving pillow stuffing on just about every surface possible. But it was a better outcome than some others. And it was easier to clean up than others.

Work was boring, as usual. Except, just when Taehyung was about to lock up ten minutes earlier then he was supposed to, a costumer actually came in.

"Taki girl." Taehyung smirked. "Came for more?"

"Oh shut up." She said with her lovely British accent. "I came for more of you, not the crisps."

"Right..." Taehyung said. Seraphine sauntered up to the counter and leaned over it, shirt dipping low. Taehyung licked his lips.

"I, as much as I hate to admit this, cannot get your fucking dick out of my head. I want to play with it some more." She smiled, as if the words spilling from her lips weren't lewd and dirty. Taehyung quirked is head to the side, grinning down at her.

Oh fuck she was luring him in and it was working. This was exactly what he shouldn't be doing.

But there's that saying, something like the heart wants what it wants. But this was the Taehyung version, so it was modified to something more like- the dick wants what it wants.

"Do you always speak with such a dirty British tongue?" Taehyung said. Seraphine smiled and looked to the side, that so called 'British tongue' tracing the inside of her lower lip.

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