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Taehyung walked down the stairs slowly, as if he were a zombie moving during the day, worn down by the angry sun, melting his bones and his will to move. He felt like one of those monsters, that's for sure. Zombie's didn't have hearts that even worked properly, which was one reasonable way to explain Taehyung's. He had done so many things, all of which were wrong, and no matter how badly he wished he never listened to V, he still did. And the consequences were just unacceptable. He couldn't live as a free man. He shouldn't. They didn't have feelings either, it was like something else was controlling them entirely. Something stole the light within them, stole their soul.

That's what it felt like to be V's toy.

Taehyung wanted to just end it all. He wanted to end his life and move on the the peaceful place where life forms didn't exist. He wanted to finally be free, and in this scenario, is was not being at all. But if he did, there was a chance that something could be dug up- quite literally- and police would investigate. If they did, then Seraphine would get into trouble. That was the last thing Taehyung wanted. He had one thing to fight for and it was love. That was something he never thought he'd experiance, and he was sad that he'd never live it out to it's full potential, but at least he got a little bit of it's warm embrace. So to protect his love he decided he was going to turn himself. He was going to willingly admit everything he's done, starting with his parents.

However, as Taehyung pushed open the door to Seraphine's apartment complex, he looked up and made eye contact with someone he knew through the windshield of a nice looking car. Namjoon. The distance between them prohibited the more defined features of his face from being seen, but Taehyung knew it was him just by the way he stared. Not to mention, V was crazily and unhealthily obsessed with him and started wrecking havoc upon seeing him. Hearing his beautiful voice when he was talking to Seraphine minutes ago and staying hidden was one of the most difficult things Taehyung had ever endured as V wanted to knock him out and go see Namjoon.

The were parked outside, and the two were no doubt discussing their next course of action when Taehyung appeared. Surprise was clear on their faces since they were told Taehyung wasn't around.

Go see him.

He walked up to the car and waited for Namjoon to roll down the window.

"Let me in and I'll talk." Is all Taehyung said. Namjoon, being a counselor and trained to pick up on the little details, noticed the lack of emotion in Taehyung's voice. The fullness of it was void, only a dull rumble of words now. He turned his head to lock eyes with Yoongi, who nodded, and then he unlocked his car.


V was venomous. He was violent and that's what he told Namjoon and Yoongi. He told them who V was and what he's made Taehyung do. He told them why he never went to hospitals and why he's never tried to fix himself. And he told them what he planned to do next. He told them everything. All except Seraphine's involvement. When it came to her, all they knew was that she was a person who needed to love and be loved and Taehyung happened to be there. She was just a girlfriend, that's what he said. She was there for him to satisfy his needs. She had absolutely nothing to with Taehyung's crimes and didn't know he had committed them.

Of course Yoongi and Namjoon thought it was the truth, they had no other reason not to. To them, she just looked like a protective girlfriend.

Surprisingly, they took it better than Taehyung thought. Any sane, normal person would run or yell at Taehyung after finding out he was a rapist, a murderer. Severe actions would be taken to detain Taehyung somehow because he was a threat. Jimin had tried to do that, but unfortunately he never got the chance. Maybe that meant Yoongi and Namjoon believed Taehyung when he said he had no control? Namjoon already knew some things about V and how he controlled Taehyung because he witnessed it first hand.

They said they would take him to the police station after Taehyung told them basically everything that brought him to this point. The ride there was full of questioning but Taehyung didn't answer them, knowing he'd have to at the station. V was raging inside his mind, screaming at him and clawing at the folds of his brain to escape and take over. But Taehyung didn't let him. It took everything in him to stay conscious because he didn't want to hurt anymore people. God knew V would do anything or harm anyone if it meant he got his way.

"Goodbye Taehyung." Namjoon said, staring ahead at the doors of the police station where officers traveled in and out, going about their daily duties.

"Thank you for the sessions." Taehyung said in a monotone voice. He tried so hard to show Namjoon that he was genuine but he couldn't.

"And Yoongi, thanks for being a good coworker." Yoongi merely grumbled. He didn't say much, but that made sense considering he was talking to a very bad man.

Taehyung slowly waved to the car as Namjoon drove away. Then his hand fell limp to his side and he began walking up the stairs to the station. He wished he could feel something, dread or pain or destruction.

All he felt was V.

(The epilogue may be next 🙈)

(The epilogue may be next 🙈)

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