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Taehyung was at the convenience store, bustling under those flickering lights with a bead of sweat above his brow as he worked to clean the doors of the freezers built into the far wall. If anybody were to walk in, the bell would tell Taehyung to get his ass back behind the counter, but since it remained silent, save the constant buzz of the ventilation system, he continued to scrub the condensation and fingerprints off the glass.

He worked with latex gloves snug on his hands, accentuating the bumps of his knuckles and the length of his nimble fingers. With each movement of his finger joints the gloves would birth a rubbery sound that made Taehyung's ears ring.

When he finished he headed behind the counter to wipe off the register as well as the counter itself. Since he was the later shift he often cleaned up the forgotten about things left behind after the long day. It was usually wrappers or filth, so it wasn't too bad.

Out of curiosity Taehyung looked into the screen that showed the camera's view. There was only one camera in the store, which showed the entrance and the counter all in one frame. He inspected the store through the screen, deeming it good enough. Except it was a little blurry so with a shrug and a sigh Taehyung grabbed a little ladder they kept in the closet- where he got his cleaning supplies from in the first place- and set it up beneath the camera. It was an old little piece of technology, two of its many limits being that it couldn't capture sound or color. Everything was black and white and gray and it was a boring spectrum to look through, but it was still surveillance, even if it was rubbish.

Taehyung carefully ascended the three steps of the foldable ladder and, thanks to his long legs, was able to reach the camera lens. He dabbed it lightly, riding it of the dust that collected over a long period of time. Taehyung was sure that when he went back to the screen behind the counter it would appear as if he were looking through a completely different kind of camera.

The sound of the bell rattled above the door as it opened and Taehyung, needing to assist the new customer, left his rag draping over the eyes of the camera as he wiped his hands on his pants and hopped off the ladder. However, when he turned around, he saw burning hell within the eyes of none other than Jeon Fucking Jungkook himself.

Great. Of course he'd be here to ruin Taehyung's perfectly content cleaning spree.

"You just happen to be everywhere." Jungkook said. His lids were narrowed in a glare, his eyes a light brown and gleaming with irritation.

Taehyung, assuming that it was just Jungkook's presence, felt a pang of pain shoot off in his brain and he rolled his eyes- which only made them sting with his incoming migraine. God he really hated this guy, he was such a headache.

"Says you. You're the one who keeps running into me." Taehyung scoffed. "Why are you here Jungkook."

"It's a convenience store dipshit. I'm here for it's conveniently supplied goods." Jungkook stated as if it were obvious. And it was, because prior to walking in, he had not a single clue that the man working there was the same man who made his eyes twitch with anger.

"Then get whatever the fuck you need and get out." Taehyung said as he made his way towards the counter.

"You know." Jungkook chuckled. "I'm pretty sure it's against business policy to treat customers so rudely."

"The fuck do you know about business policy?" Taehyung said, upper lip snarled in an aggravated disbelief. At this point Jungkook was just really getting on his nerves with that big mouth that was all bark and no bite and Taehyung had such a big headache already just hearing Jungkook made him dizzy.

Unless... it wasn't entirely Jungkook's fault. Maybe he was just the trigger for the episode Taehyung failed to suffer through that day. The idea of that made Taehyung pale. He didn't like Jungkook one bit and wished to punch his teeth in, but he didn't want him to get hurt. He needed to get out while he could, but he couldn't sense the incoming danger like Taehyung could- since Taehyung was the danger.

"J-Jungkook." Taehyung said, shutting the boy up. Apparently he was talking. "You need to leave."

"Seriously? You should get fired, you're a shit employee." He said.

"Jungkook just go. It's not safe h-"

"Fucking creep." Jungkook murmured under his breath. First Taehyung was bristling with anger and now he looked like he had shit himself and saw a ghost.

Taehyung applied pressure to his temples via index finger and middle finger to hopefully prolong the creeping bodily attack, but Jungkook wasn't listening to him. Damnit he just needed to-

"G-Get out!" Taehyung finished allowed. Jungkook, all big and bad, flinched at the scary volume of Taehyung's voice. Sweat was making his shirt cling to his neck uncomfortably as his vision fogged and his bones might as well been made of jello as they grew numb and Jungkook watched in a panicked horror as Taehyung just- collapsed. His body fell over the counter, head landing with a loud thunk. Jungkook cursed in fear as he saw red seeping out slowly, bleeding into Taehyung's black tresses and making them shine with crimson.

He inched forward, his humanely instincts being to check and see if Taehyung was even breathing, but then Taehyung's head shot up quickly, knocking Jungkook in the chin and the man recoiled like a shotgun after firing it's deathly bullet. He caught a glimpse of his own reflection in Taehyung's beady black eyes- wait, weren't the blue?- full of complete and utter terror.

And then Taehyung lunged over the counter, straight towards the poor victim of his murderous hands when all Jungkook wanted was a bag of candies to satisfy his unfortunate sweet tooth.

And then Taehyung lunged over the counter, straight towards the poor victim of his murderous hands when all Jungkook wanted was a bag of candies to satisfy his unfortunate sweet tooth

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