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VERY sensitive content ahead please read at your own risk ⚠️
Jungkook's scream was a mix of alarm and fright as Taehyung's heavy body collided with his, the momentum behind Taehyung's tackle bringing them both to the ground. Jungkook slammed his skull against the shelf and groaned in agony, clutching the side of his head. Dread filled his whole being as he locked eyes with the psychopath above him, and that's when Jungkook knew he would be fighting for his life.

Taehyung had a wicked smirk gracing his evil features as red dripped down from the cut on his eyebrow. Jungkook trembled beneath those black eyes, as if he were staring straight into the face of a large panther moments before getting his face mauled off.

"P-Please-" Jungkook begged, trying to push Taehyung off his quavering frame but Taehyung growled as if a crazed beast was lodged down his throat and gripped Jungkook's wrists like a snake would constrict itself around the slim neck of a measly prey, practically cutting off its life support. "Get off!" Jungkook yelled out and thrashed he's legs around, back arching up off the floor as he fought the restraints Taehyung placed upon him. He could feel his fingers digging into his skin and he lurched when Taehyung leaned down, his hot breath blowing like a carnal whisper in his ear.

"Beg for it and I might make it quick." Taehyung breathed heavily. Chills licked through Jungkook's insides and he shivered, tears pricking his eyes as realization set in.

He was far to scared to do anything.

His heart was beating rapidly, banging against his rib cage in a panicked frenzy as he pleaded for mercy. Taehyung could hear it and he smiled, something akin to those masks from the purge.

"Y-You're crazy!" Jungkook cried, squirming around. He felt pressure rising in his gut and he nearly gagged when Taehyung nosed at the skin of his throat, inhaling deeply.

"That was a lie." Taehyung chuckled. "I'm going to make this one last. Yeah..." It was like he was just talking to himself at the point, as if he were deciding what microwave meal to eat for dinner. "I think I'll cherish you, Jungkook."

"S-Stop please..." Jungkook sobbed. Taehyung moved his greedy lips to Jungkook's cheeks where he tasted salt and he grinned, licking up the little teary beads as they flowed from Jungkook's closed eyes. He slowly moved towards Jungkook's lips and Jungkook pursed them together, snapping his head to the side.

"Stop it. It's going to hurt more if you don't cooperate." Taehyung said. Jungkook whimpered as Taehyung bit his jaw, imbedding purpling teeth marks into his skin.

"STOP!" Jungkook screamed.


(Here's where it get bad, I warned you. There's absolutely nothing wrong in skipping the end of this chapter)

Within the span of one second Jungkook was on his stomach and he felt cold air against his back, his shirt having been pushed up by Taehyung. Jungkook's hands, numb and unmoving, were useless to hold at this point. He was past the point of physically fighting back. His fate had been decided and he knew it. If he wanted to get out alive he'd have to save the last bit of his energy and strength until there was a moment where Taehyung was vulnerable. But that meant enduring whatever was coming next.

"Probably my prettiest victim Jungkookie. You know that?" Taehyung said, running his hands down Jungkook back and over the curve of his ass, squeezing the meat of his cheeks experimentally. Jungkook just sniffled, quiet. "See. Much easier than fighting me, isn't it? This way you can enjoy it."

God knew Jungkook wouldn't come remotely close to enjoying this.

He clamped his eyes shut hard when Taehyung carefully tugged his pants mid thigh, placing his gloved hands on his bare ass, kneading his cheeks and pulling them apart. Jungkook could feel him against him, slotting right where Taehyung wanted to be, hard with the anticipation of fucking such a beautiful victim.

Jungkook felt his throat go dry, his body shaking helplessly as Taehyung grunted, rocking his hips forward. At this point his touches were drowned out by the soul fact that Jungkook had to just- accept it. He had to suffer through this. He was helpless and he couldn't possibly find an escape. He was numb and limp while Taehyung stopped temporarily to undo the button if his pants, his zipper echoing in the empty space of Jungkook's mind as it parted- and then he felt the searing pain, like the red hot iron of a fire poker plunging into his ass and sending bolts of unimaginable pain throughout his whole pelvic region. He sobbed out and Taehyung laughed, gripping a handful of Jungkook's hair and pulling his head off the floor, thrusting into Jungkook's unprepped and dry hole. Wet tears streamed down his cheeks as he lay there like a useless doll, allowing Taehyung to fuck him right there on the tiled floor, under the dim lighting, unseen by the covered camera.
I debated if I should even put that whole scene in this book but that's exactly it- it's a book. It's not real and hasn't happened it's fictitious. There's warnings for a reason, don't take them lightly. I don't just slap them where ever I want. I'm truly sorry if some content in this book disturbs you, really, I don't enjoy writing it when it comes to sensitive scenes like this, but it's part of the book. It wouldn't be the same if they weren't there so please, know your own limits. If your limits aren't within reach of this book then nobody's going to judge you for clicking off.

 If your limits aren't within reach of this book then nobody's going to judge you for clicking off

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