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The club smelled of body odor, cigarette smoke, and high amounts of liquor. Taehyung made that face, the one where you scrunch up your nose in disgust but you also smile, yeah, that face. If fun had a smell, it would be this in Taehyung's mind.

"Let us drink!" Seraphine cheered. She was wrapped around Taehyung's arm, holding it like a koala were to hold the trunk of a tree. Taehyung just chuckled and allowed her to pull him through crowds of people, all dancing or swaying to the loud music. It had a heavy beat and Taehyung could feel it resonate through his feet, and even his ass as he sat down at the bar. "Two tequilas please. Neat." Seraphine told the bar tender. He smiled at her and filled two shot glasses, sliding them across the counter.

"Thanks." Taehyung mumbled, grabbing his cup and turning towards Seraphine. She smiled and together they knocked their heads back and emptied their glasses. "Holy fuck that's strong."

"Another round?" Seraphine smiled.

"Another round."

Throughout the night they drank and danced- which was surprising because neither of them knew Taehyung could move his body so fluidly- and Taehyung was sweating and tipsy and probably a little horny, but this was exactly what he needed. He needed to feel that buzz of alcohol, needed to get drunk on his hormones and let his mind cloud with thrumming music instead of boredom or self hatred.

It was well past midnight when the two returned to Seraphine's apartment. They called a cab, and luckily, got home safely.

"Shit, your floor is spinning." Taehyung groaned as he stumbled into her apartment. Seraphine was behind him, pushing him with her hands against his shoulders.

"Let's dance baby." She giggled.

"Bitch we just spent the past two and a half hours dancing! My feet are going to fall off."

"Then you can just lay there." Seraphine shrugged, shoving Taehyung onto the bed. He laughed and rolled onto his back, tugging her on top of his lap.

"I'll gladly watch you do all the work." He smirked. Seraphine rolled her eyes and fumbled with the button on Taehyung's jeans, swaying slightly. She mumbled in annoyance and ended up just pulling them past his hips roughly, causing his underwear to follow. Taehyung cursed and Seraphine grabbed his cock, pumping it until it was fully hard in her hand and then she stood up on her knees and shimmied her dress up past her hips, pushing her underwear to the side and sinking down until their hips were flushed together. Taehyung groaned and she bounced lightly, digging her knees into the mattress for leverage.

Taehyung placed his hands on her hips and as she slid up and down he pulled her hips forward, creating a small, circular motion. Seraphine moaned and grinned down onto his cock, feeling it so deep in her core.

"Shit, I'm gonna come." Taehyung grunted, bucking his hips up. Seraphine moaned loudly with each thrust until Taehyung's hips stalled and he tightened his grip, his abdomen flexing and going stiff as he came. Seraphine rocked her hips as Taehyung came and the feeling of his seed, warm and filling her up to the brim, paired with his hands leaving bruises against her skin, had her climax reaching her quickly.

When they both finished Seraphine collapsed against Taehyung's chest and he wrapped his hands around her, turning them to the side.

"Please stay tonight..." Seraphine whispered. Taehyung could feel her slowly breathing against his neck and he sighed, rubbing her back soothingly.


The headache Taehyung awoke with wasn't even that bad. He was used to the ones he got before an episode so with this one, a dumb hangover headache, he was able to just shrug it off.

Seraphine, however, was different. She didn't have a high pain tolerance like Taehyung did so while she was moping in bed, clutching her forehead, Taehyung got up, grabbed some aspirin from the bathroom cabinet and a water bottle from the fridge, and delivered them to Seraphine. All while butt naked. When did he even take off his shirt? And where were his socks?


"You're w-"

"Shh. Too loud." She whined. Taehyung chuckled and left the room, searching for something to eat. Nothing in her fridge sounded that appetizing though so he headed to the bathroom and started up a bath. He might as well clean himself, and from the looks of Seraphine's state, he should help her out.

"Babe come here." He yawned.

"Who the fuck is babe." Taehyung rolled his eyes and stepped into the tub, submerging himself in the warm water. The door was still open and Seraphine waddled in, her hair fit for a bird's nest atop her head. Her makeup was smeared and she was slouching, looking sick and exhausted.

"Get in."


"So I can clean you up. You look gross."

"Wow. Thanks." She scoffed, stripping off what remained on her body after the hazy moments that made up last night. Taehyung sat up a little to make more room and Seraphine settled between his legs, sitting up so he could scrub her back. It was quiet except for the occasional splash of water or hum of content. Taehyung realized he quite liked this, the peaceful silence as he cared for Seraphine.

"Sorry for calling you babe. It kinda just fell out."

"It's fine. I don't mind."

"I thought you didn't like labels."

"It's not that I don't like them, I just don't care for them, they don't do much anyways. It's what the relationship is that matters."

"What do you mean?"

"It's means you can wash me up after I get hammered, and you can say you like me back, and you can take care of me, and vice versa. I don't see how a label fits into this, it's just a title. So what if I'm your girlfriend, it's what you do and what I do that's important."

"But labels give an idea of boundaries." Taehyung said. He moved to her hair now, grabbing a cup from the edge of the tub and filling it with water so he could bring it to the crown of her head. "Look up." He whispered. Seraphine tilted her head back and closed her eyes as Taehyung poured the water, wetting her hair. "If we're just love interests, then I'm allowed to fool around with other people. If we're dating then doing that would make me disloyal. I want to know where your head is at so I don't upset you."

"I want you. I want you how you are right now and how you were last night and how you are every day." Seraphine said. Taehyung popped the lid of her shampoo and squeezed a dollop into the center of his hands, spreading it around before rubbing it into her skull. "If a label is what makes it easier then I'm okay with it. I'm not against them, incase I didn't make that clear."

"So then will you be my girlfriend Seraphine?"

"Yes, of course." She said. Taehyung grinned and continued to wash her hair and when he was done she helped him with his, cleaning the natural grease and sweat from his locks.

Maybe happiness smelled like this. Like sweet shampoo and fresh bubbles.

 Like sweet shampoo and fresh bubbles

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