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Once again, Taehyung woke up naked in Seraphine's bed. But this time... he didn't feel any regret. It's like his body had none left, like he had already regret so much that he just couldn't do it anymore.

She stirred next to him and he rolled onto his side, admiring her pretty features as she slowly woke.

"Good morning." He said. His voice sounded sweet and deep and Seraphine smiled, reaching out for him. He listened and scooted closer so she could wrap her arms around his bare shoulders, tugging him towards her for a morning kiss. "Wait- I have morning breath-"

"Don't care." She mumbled, cupping his cheeks. They squished and forced his lips into a puckered circle, pink and squishy and ready to be smooched.

The morning was bright and they kissed and inched closer and Seraphine felt extra soft so he just slipped right in, fucking her slowly, holding her hips as he rolled against her, driving deep into her. Her eyes were closed, dark lashes contrasting the red flush of her cheeks as she moaned breathily, small and quiet gasps falling past her lips. Taehyung kissed her firmly, rocking his hips rhythmically to create that delicious burn of pleasurable friction, arms planted by her sides and holding himself over her until they both came, legs tangled and lips locked.

"Let's go somewhere together." Seraphine whispered after her breathing evened out, searching for an answer in Taehyung's blue eyes as he thought.

"I can't handle another club." He chuckled.

"Then we'll go somewhere quiet. Somewhere peaceful. Like a park or the movies." She said, running the pad of her thumb over his bold eyebrow.

"Are you saying you want to go out on a date?"


"I thought we broke up." Taehyung smirked, carefully pulling his soft dick out of her wet core.

"Nope." Seraphine said, crawling out of bed. Taehyung sat, slouched, his legs hanging off the edge, cursing lowly as his cum dripped down her thighs, glistening white liquid making a mess between her legs.

"Alright." He said, standing and yanking her against his chest. Seraphine giggled and stumbled into him, catching herself with her hands against his hips. He tucked a strand of her raven hair behind her ear, leaning down to whisper. "Only if you let me clean you up kitten."


And in the shower Seraphine came against Taehyung's relentless tongue, hands plastered to the walls of the shower as she screamed out, knees weak. The running water washed everything away quickly and they cleaned themselves, smelling of vanilla by the time they stepped out into the steam filled room.

The two ended up walking through a park, hands interlocked as they chatted about nothing in particular.

"Do you ever want kids some day?" Seraphine asked, looking up at the bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

"Uhm... I haven't put much thought into that."

"Well do you?"

"I'd be a terrible father." Taehyung said. And despite his words he couldn't help but smile as he pictured his own kids, his own family.

"I think you'd be the best father."

"If I wasn't who I am." Taehyung sighed. "I'd love to bring somebody into this world but I'm not a good person, I don't want them to grow up with a father who's done bad things."

"But excluding all that, would you want kids?"

"Yes. I would." Taehyung answered. Seraphine hummed and as they walked along the sidewalk she swung their hands to and fro lightly, her long hair up in a pony tail and swaying in the breeze. "What about you?"

"I think just one." Seraphine said. "Maybe a son."

"Any name ideas?" Taehyung said. Seraphine grinned.

"I have a British accent." Seraphine chuckled. "But despite that I'd like to stay close to my Japanese heritage. So maybe something like Toshi... or Nikko."

"Have you ever been to Japan?"

"A few times actually. I think I'd like to start my family there."

"Can you even speak Japanese?"



"It means yes, you idiot"

"Oh." Taehyung laughed. Seraphine giggled and continued to walk in silence. They crossed over a bridge that overlooked a creek and they stopped, peering into the water below. The sun reflected off it and made the surface sparkle, fish swimming by as if they didn't have a single care in the world. "Should we head back?"

"Let's get something to eat first."

When Seraphine and Taehyung made it back to her place their stomachs were full of yummy take-out and they were a bit exhausted after walking around for a few hours. Taehyung's feet were aching so he took a seat at the counter and Seraphine joined him, leaning over the edge and using her arms as makeshift pillows.

"I should get ready for work-"

"Do you have episodes everyday?" Seraphine blurted, voice muffled as she lay with her head against the counter.

"No. V visits whenever he wants." Taehyung chuckled dryly. "I can't control him."

"So the only warning you get is a headache?" Taehyung nodded. "That's not fair, you've only got a few minutes to get somewhere safe then."

"Yep." Taehyung sighed. Seraphine pouted.

"Asshole..." She murmured.


"V's an asshole."

"Believe me, I know." Taehyung said. "I think he's getting stronger too. And smarter. I don't know how he is when he's stuck inside my brain, but somehow he's learning dangerous things."

"Maybe he's done some research...?" Seraphine suggested, lifting her head up. "I mean, you don't remember, so maybe during some of your episodes he's learned a few things, exercised- ah I don't know. It made more sense in my head."

"No, I think I get what you're saying." Taehyung sighed, pushing his fingers through his hair. "I'm scared he's slowly becoming stronger in my head too. I-I sometimes think of things that I never thought about before. I think he's putting bad ideas in my head and I hate it."

"You've got to stay stronger than him Taehyung." Seraphine said softly, reaching out to hold his hand. She squeezed it tightly and Taehyung exhaled shakily, nodding his head.

"I know."


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