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The hate Taehyung felt for himself was so broad and it spread through his whole body in waves, evoking a cry from his lips. It felt like lead was filling his body, weighing him to the ground with a heavy force that he couldn't fight, even if he tried. He had ruined absolutely everything and dug himself a hole so deep that it could've touched the hot core of the earth if he just scratched the ground. He could already feel the dread, he could see the end coming. Namjoon, if he chose to believe what Taehyung had said, would no doubt take this new information to the police. Taehyung wasn't anything special to Namjoon, he wouldn't be on his side like Seraphine was. He was just doing his job but now important information had been stupidly leaked by a reckless Tae and now he could've sworn he heard the sirens already.


What a stupid idiot.

Who knew how torturous prison would be when locked inside a room with nothing but V. The idea of that made Taehyung's stomach twist and he didn't like it one bit.

He should really just... end it all. Honestly.

During their multiple appointments, Namjoon learned the location of the convenience store Taehyung worked at and he drove there, parking his car parallel to the sidewalk. The minty lights from inside reflected off the sidewalk and tinted the metal of Namjoon's car a funky green when mixed with the cool grey color. He made sure his car was locked before he stuffed his keys into his pocket, surprised by the bell above his head as it rang while he pushed open the glass door.

He stuck out in such a small, rubbish little place. His clothes were immaculate and more on the expensive end compared to the hoodies Taehyung often wore. But Namjoon wasn't one to judge people based on their financial status or their choice of fashion, if anything it just told him a little bit about their situation, not who they were as a person.

He scanned overtop the shelves with his slim eyes, making a small 'ah' sound when he caught a head of fluffy orange hair in the chip isle.

The store was empty, quiet, and Namjoon made his presence known with the clicks of his shoe heels, though the song of the bell already told the worker he was there. The worker stood up straight just as Namjoon made his way down the isle and they made eye contact, a little awkwardly. They took a second to greet each other with their eyes before they even opened their mouths, and Namjoon was a little taken back with the positive energy the man before him seemed to radiate.

"Hey." The man said, chuckling a little as his hand drifted up to rub the side of his neck.

"Are you Min Yoongi?" Namjoon asked, quickly cutting to the chase. The man cleared his throat and shook his head, nervous under Namjoon's intense gaze.

"No, the name's Hoseok." He said. Namjoon sighed, disappointed that this wasn't the person he was looking for.

"Do you work here?" Namjoon asked. The man was stocking the shelves but he didn't have a name tag or anything in sight, and from the clueless look in his eyes, Namjoon assumed he was just doing a favor of sorts.

"I do not." Hoseok answered honestly. "My boyfriend asked me to help out since his coworker couldn't make it tonight."

"Min Yoongi is your boyfriend?"

"Yes..." Hoseok said, furrowing his brows defensively. He was throwing his guard up now since this stranger had just waltzed into the store, looking completely out of place, asking questions about Yoongi. "Why do you need to see Yoongi?"

"I have to ask him a few questions about Kim Taehyung, the worker who couldn't show up."

"Look man." Hoseok sighed, drumming his fingers on the outside of his thigh. "I'm just here to ring up customers, not help in weird interrogations. And I don't appreciate the fact that you're seeking out my boyfriend when I don't even know who you are."

"Right." Namjoon said, realizing that he was coming off a little strong. "I'm Kim Namjoon." He said, holding out his hand. Hoseok hesitantly shook it, eyeing him suspiciously. "Could I maybe leave you my number to get in touch with Yoongi?"

"I guess..." Hoseok said, frowning slightly. Namjoon smiled a little in satisfaction and exchanged numbers with Hoseok, bidding him a sweet farewell before exiting the store.

————————————————————Y'all are prolly wondering where tf Jin is at and to tell you the truth, I have no idea

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Y'all are prolly wondering where tf Jin is at and to tell you the truth, I have no idea

Also go check out my new book! It's more interactive than usual and it's mystery, staring my bias HOBIIII the prologue is the only thing out at the moment but I'm working hard on it so give it a try 😊

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