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"Taehyung please come out and eat." Seraphine whispered, leaning against the bathroom door. Her hand was against it, trying to reach out for him even through the door, but he was just too far gone at the moment. She had been trying for half and hour and received no response each time, and she was getting worried. But she gave up then, tired of begging for something she wouldn't get in the end.

She never really fully had him from the get go anyways.

Taehyung listened to Seraphine's footsteps as they faded away. He sat in the empty tub, leaned back against the wall. His cheeks were sticky with tears he finished shedding a while ago, leaving his eyes red and irritated. He sniffled, staring at the ceiling where a bit of mold from the steam of the shower was forming. He sighed then and got out of the tub, tiredly walking to the cabinet. He opened it, not sure what he was expecting, but when he saw the little bottle of medicine he eyed it, then reach out for it and plucked it off the shelf, letting the mirror close. He turned it in is hand as the pills tumbled around inside to read the labeling. An idea was making its way through the maze of his mind and Taehyung sighed in misery, twisting the cap off. He gazed at the little pills inside and poured one in his hand. It was small and white and as he held it in his palm he looked up into the mirror.

He saw his face, a smile there, a glint of light reflecting from his black eyes in the mirror. Taehyung gulped and under the heated gaze of himself he tilted his head back and took the pill.

It was just one, but as he stared into the mirror his hand unwillingly dug into the bottle again and his palm was full of more.

Then there was a knock at the door and he jumped, hastily pouring the pills back into the bottle. Some slipped into the sink below but he ignored them and placed the bottle back in the cabinet.

"Tae... please come out." Seraphine said. The pain was evident in her voice, as clear as day. Taehyung frowned, hating himself even more for hurting her.

"Okay." He said. Seraphine stepped away and he opened the door, eyes downcast. Seraphine threw her arms around him and squeezed him tightly and he just stood there, fogged eyes looking straight ahead, face blank.

"Please, just come-"

"I can't Taki..." He whispered. "I can't do this."

"Taehyung stop. We're in this together now, you can't just drop everything because of one slip up."

"This slip up could land you in jail too. What if the police find out you've helped cover up a murder? You're an accomplice, Taki, no excuses."

"So then why leave me on my own to fend for myself? I need you here to help me Tae." She said, gripping his shirt in her hands.

"Seraphine I gotta go."

"No. You said you loved me you can't leave."

"I said I love you so I have to leave. It kills me to put you through all this danger-"

"The damage is already done!" Seraphine yelled. Taehyung flinched, closing his eyes. "I didn't cover up Jungkook's death because you meant nothing to me! I haven't been trying to help for no reason!"

"I'm not saying that Taki, I'm saying I'm no good for you."

"I don't care!" Seraphine said. Tears were swimming in her beautiful emerald eyes and Taehyung cupped her face, wiping them away with his thumb carefully. "There's no point in leavening now. I'm in too deep, I'll drown if you go."

"I'm sorry." Taehyung whispered, wrapping his arms around her shoulder. She stepped closer, clutching his shirt as she sobbed against his chest. "I'm so sorry. For everything." He pulled away, hating the look of disappointment on her face. "You didn't deserve any of this. You were perfect without me."

"I'd rather be complete than perfect Taehyung." She whispered, glossy eyes meeting his. "Please... please don't leave me."

"Taki it's getting worse." He said, grasping his shaking hands in his own. They felt cold and frail and he squeezed them. "V is taking over more each passing day and that's putting you in even more danger."

"I don't care, Tae." Seraphine pressed, trying to convert her feelings through this concrete wall that Taehyung had put up. It was hard to change his mind when t was already set in stone. "Nothing felt right until I met you. And I know our relationship isn't cute dates and cheesy moments but that's not us. We aren't like that and I don't want to be. I like who we are together Taehyung."

"But V-"

"I get it. He's there and I don't care. If having you means I have to deal with him too then whatever. I just don't care about anything but you Taehyung."

How cute.

Taehyung flinched and ripped his hands away, clenching his fists as his arms hung at his sides.

"I-It's so hard listening to him Taki. It's so hard being him. I don't want to live like this anymore-"

"Just stop talking." Seraphine said, afraid to hear the end of that sentence and fearing what may come of those thoughts. She stepped forward and pulled him close and his time he snaked his hands around her smaller frame, once again falling into her pure heart where he would spread venom and pain.

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