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Seraphine dressed Taehyung's wound after he managed to calm down enough for her to touch him. She learned that Taehyung was just really scared. Scared of being judged and alone. Scared of himself.

She couldn't blame him. Based on this new information she can tell he never had it easy, and she wouldn't want to be going through it either.

Past trauma is no excuse for killing somebody, but what it you have no control? What if you have no say in anything during such a state?

Then what?

Who's guilty?

It was Taehyung's hands that touched Jungkook. Taehyung's body that laid over him and ruined him. It was Taehyung physically, but mentally, he was asleep.

And to imagine being in his shoes made Seraphine sick to her stomach with so much pity.

"Did you mean what you said?" Taehyung whispered. They were lying on Seraphine's bed, on their backs and looking up, shoulders nearly a foot apart.

"Can you be more specific?"

"You said you needed me..."

"I meant it." Seraphine confirmed. Taehyung chewed on his inner cheek, his fingers circling around one another. "You're all I've got Taehyung. I like you too much to loose you."

"Like me? How?"

"Not in the way you'd like a friend." Seraphine whispered. She turned her head to the side and saw Taehyung already looking at her, his eyes swirling with confusion. "More in the way of... a crush."

"You're insane. You don't have crushes." Taehyung scoffed. He didn't believe her, though he really wanted to. He wanted her to like him, because then it would be mutual and he wouldn't be alone with these feelings. But a girl like Seraphine didn't belong with a guy like Taehyung- in his opinion at least.

"I just confessed and you give me shit." She mumbled, rolling her eyes. "And believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are. But it's true."

"You like me..."

"I do." She sighed.

It went quiet again, for a while. 

"I felt guilty." Taehyung spoke up softly.


"For hating Jungkook."

Seraphine inhaled sharply, then asked, "...why?"

"He came back for you. And I got jealous because we had our... deal. I didn't want him to take you away from me. But you weren't mine to have. So I had no reason to dislike him, but I did anyways. And if it weren't for that, then... maybe he would be alive right now."

If Taehyung hadn't been an ass with him, then when Jungkook came into the store he would've just gotten what he needed and left. It could've been so damn simple.

"Can you... can you tell me more about your episodes?" Seraphine asked cautiously.

"I can tell you what happens before and after I get them." Taehyung said. "It usually starts with a headache and maybe from the outside I just look miserable, like I've got a fever. And then at some point I black out. Then wake up."

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