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Outside, the rain had washed away evidence as the two worked to get rid of what lay indoors.

Hiding a body looked easier to do in the movies but it was manageable. It didn't matter how long it took or where it even was because Seraphine made Taehyung vow to keep his mouth shut.

Taehyung could remember the look on her face when she entered the store, quite vividly in fact. The sight of her ex boyfriend on the floor, post rape and murder, was not welcoming in the slightest.

But throughout the whole process she had that same blank face as always. She was impossible to read when she didn't want people to try. But Taehyung was too focused on helping clean to attempt to anyways.

When all was done the sun was barely shining through the windows, small streaks of light stretching across the floor where blood stained. There wasn't an actual stain there but Taehyung would never look at that spot the same, the image would forever be burned in his frontal lobe.

"Let's go." Seraphine said. Taehyung followed her, this time locking up the door with the key he always seemed to have on him, and followed her back to her place. He was exhausted but he knew sleep wouldn't come. He didn't deserve anything to be easy anymore. Maybe he should just take a turn and stand in the road and wait for a car to zip by and flatten him into a pancake.

They reached Seraphine's apartment and Taehyung trailed behind her as she slowly ascended the grungy stairs. They were both quiet, since neither of them even knew what to say, and that made the sound of the door shutting similar to that of a jet flying overhead.

"You'll explain everything to me Kim Taehyung." Seraphine began. "But not right now. You need to go lay down and I need to just... let this all sink in. Okay?" Taehyung nodded and off to her room he went, curling up within himself. He didn't want to bundle up like this because he was closer to his own self, is enemy, but he didn't have the luxury to sprawl out on this bed, pretending like he earned proper relaxation.

Seraphine wasn't sure how long she sat at her counter, sipping tea slowly, staring at absolutely nothing. She had her fair share of sketchy experiences but never hid a dead body. There was a constant worry about the police gnawing at the back of her mind but above all, she thought about Taehyung. He said he didn't do it. But he also did. So was he lying? Not even the best actor could fake the reaction of Kim Taehyung, so she knew he was being genuine. Real guilt, actual shame, genuinely psychotic. Did he plan for it to happen? Or did he accidentally set himself up for murder?

"I'm ready to talk." Taehyung said. Seraphine flinched, gripping her cup tightly. She wasn't scared to be around Taehyung, no, she was scared of what lay inside him.

Who even was he?

"Okay." Seraphine said quietly. Taehyung seemed to have processed the fact that he killed somebody. He hands no longer shook and his tears had stopped leaking a while ago.

"I have these episodes..." Taehyung began, feeling his heart tighten even more as he continued. "I can't remember what happens during them nor can I control myself. It's like I black out and wake up with the consequences."

"So did you kill Jungkook?"

"On the outside, yes. I-I killed him."

"And you raped him, Taehyung."

"It wasn't me!" Taehyung cried, balling his fists. "Please believe me Taki."

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