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Seraphine didn't end up catching even a wink of shut eye. She was awake all night long and her eyes stung and her throat was dry from refusing to do anything but breath.

She couldn't even feel much relief in her when Taehyung stirred beside her, yawning. When he looked over at her she noticed his eyes were back to there original shade of blue. But he looked the exact same as last night besides that fact so how was she sure? Who was who? Who was dangerous? Was she even safe with either of them?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Seraphine said. She was thinking nonsense. His voice didn't send chills over her skin like it did hours ago. This was Taehyung.

She forced herself to believe that.

"Taki..." He searched her face in concern, noticing her bloodshot eyes and sunken cheeks. "Babe, did you get any sleep last night?"


"How come? Please talk to me." Taehyung frowned. The air felt thick with tension and Taehyung sighed, scooting closer.

"I can't tell you Taehyung." Seraphine whispered, flinching when she felt his hand on her knee.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll leave me."

"Taki come on... I'm sure it's nothing."

"You said it yourself Taehyung." Huh? What did he say that made her believe that? "Just forget about it, okay? I'll get some sleep later don't worry."


"I said just drop it Taehyung."

"I'm just looking out for you. Isn't that what a boyfriend does?" Taehyung said, sitting up. His hair was mussed and his shirt was ruffled, raised up to show half his stomach. Sleep must have tugged it around so he fixed it, smoothing the wrinkles.

"I don't know, I told you I didn't even want a label in the first place."

"Oh so that's what this is about?" Taehyung scoffed. Honestly he wasn't expecting it but hey, nothing good lasted for Kim Taehyung anyways.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"No, I think you did."

"Taehyung wait-"

"I should head home." Taehyung said. He stood up and grabbed his jacket from the floor, slipping his arms into the holes and pulling it over his shoulders. "If you don't want to talk then whatever."

"Taehyung you don't understand-"

"Maybe not. But I guess that means we shouldn't be together then, right?

"What...?" Why was it ending up like this anyways? She wasn't going to tell him about his episode last night because it would lead to them splitting up. "That's not fair." Seraphine said. "You're not listening to me."

"You didn't even want to talk in the first place Seraphine!" Taehyung laughed hysterically.

"Listen to me now. I'm ready to talk now but you have to promise me you won't leave." She said, sitting up.

"Seraphine, I didn't plan to leave until you made it sound like you didn't even want me here."

"Taehyung the reason I didn't tell you what was wrong was because you said you would leave."

"You're confusing me Taki." He groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face. "Just tell me. I won't go anywhere." Taehyung said quietly. He walked back towards the bed and sat down on the edge and Seraphine grabbed his hands because maybe this would keep him from running away.

"You had an episode last night."

Taehyung stood up immediately but Seraphine kept her hold on his hands, squeezing them tightly. "Taehyung I'm fine. You didn't hurt me at all you just-"

"You're in danger." Taehyung mumbled. He was pulling his hands and eventually freed them and Seraphine scrambled after him as he left her room, walking straight for the front door.

"Taehyung you said you wouldn't leave!" Seraphine cried, grabbing his arm. Taehyung shook her off.

"One time, Seraphine. I said that's all it had to take."

"Taehyung I'm okay! Look at me!" She begged, squeezing herself between him and the door. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat when he saw tears staining her cheeks, making her green eyes glimmer. "It was like an accident, okay? Nothing happened. I'm fine."

"This was all an accident Seraphine." Taehyung said softly, as of it were to himself. His fists tightened with anger- he was so stupid. He shouldn't have let his feelings get in the way. He should've kept her safe by putting a wall between them. It was far too out of hand now. "A fucking accident. That what it was. It was all an accident- especially falling in love with you."


"That's why you need to understand that this is for the best Seraphine. I'm leaving you because I love you."

"No no no. Y-You can't just drop that out of nowhere and walk away Taehyung."

Why was the world falling apart now? Couldn't she just make it easier for him?

"I don't care what you think, whatever it is, it's wrong. L-Leaving me will do more harm than staying I-... I can't- I can't do it without you Tae."

"Your life is on the line, doesn't that matter?!"

"No! If I get to spend my last breath with you then I don't care!"


"No. The conversation ends here. You're not breaking up with me."

"Okay." Taehyung said. "Okay."

He was doing it. He was letting her in. He was letting her decided.

This is how he got here in the first place.

"I still need to leave... I need to get ready for work."

"You better come back." She mumbled, fuming with a mix of rage and despair and fear.

"I will." Taehyung sighed. Seraphine stepped aside so Taehyung could open then door and before leaving he turned and planted a kiss atop her head, brushing her hair behind her ear.

Because he wasn't coming back.

Because he wasn't coming back

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