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He said he wasn't returning to his home in Seraphine's arms, he said he'd turn himself in and never look back. He said they were over.

And, even if the door had vibrated beneath the force of a brutal knock and Seraphine opened it, seeing him standing there, he stayed true to his word.

He wasn't coming back, but he couldn't ever control V. It honestly wasn't much of a surprise that he was there. He could pull off anything.

"V." Seraphine croaked, standing idly in her lonely apartment as she stared at V across from her. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, raw and red, and her frame radiated that broken emotion. The feeling of being ripped apart one too many times, now just a body with no heart, no will, no hope. Her voice was gone, raspy and chipped away at the edges. "Why are you here? To torture him? Because here, in front of me, you stand with all the satisfaction, knowing he's dying alone inside. That's it, right?"

"He told you I was never fond with the idea of sitting behind bars." V said. Without an invitation, he stepped into the apartment. Everything about him was off, his words and his walk, his mind. Taehyung was completely absent.

Taking purchase at the bar, where Seraphine and Taehyung had the majority of their conversations, V pulled out something heavy, something cold, and set it on the counter top.

"I came here to liberate you, Seraphine."

"What makes you think I believe anything you say?" Seraphine scoffed, standing behind him. She had no idea what was on the other side of V, but the impossible scared her. Who knew what he was able to get his hands on. "You don't help others. You don't save others."


The sternness of his voice and the name he uttered caught Seraphine off guard completely. Guilt filled her, along with the pain of losing someone she once cared about at the hands of the man she was speaking with.

"You have no right to say his name-"

"He was heartbroken. I did him a favor."

"You killed him!" Seraphine screamed. She was crying, hugging herself tightly as if she could get away from V. Being inside Taehyung's mind was no restriction. Whether he was in control or not, he plagued Seraphine constantly.

"Jimin had no one. He was all alone and the world had nothing to offer him. So I sent him somewhere better."

"You don't get to make those plays. You don't get to pick and choose who dies-"

"Taehyung's parents were worthless. They brought someone into the world that they didn't care for so in exchange, I took their lives away." V said, chuckling softly to himself. "And Taehyung was such a fucking mess. He never listened to me, things would've been much better if he did."

There was a pause as V grabbed the object before him and spun around, presenting the gun to the girl who looked at it in terror.

"I thought, while I'm at it, I should make him suffer more for fucking up my goddamn plans."

V raised the gun and aimed it directly at Seraphine's forehead, and she froze, staring into his souless black eyes. She watched, holding her breath, waiting for the gun to click as V pulled the trigger, but he held onto time for longer than she thought, loving the power he had as he committed her to memory before all was wiped away.

Then the strangest thing happened. The gun never moved, it stayed between them, but V's left eye changed, it swirled and it revealed that beautiful blue that Seraphine fell in love with. A single tear escaped that eye, the only window between reality and hell that allowed Taehyung to see Seraphine one last time.

"Taki." He said. Half of his mouth was pulled down in a frown, while the other side, the side where malicious intent lingered, stayed cold and bare. This was the first time Taehyung and V were completely one. They were both in control, however they couldn't grasp all of the wheel. "I love you. So much. I'm so sorry."

The gun shook in V's hand, the sign of Taehyung fighting his inner demon. He was trying to drop the gun, trying to save Seraphine from V and his deadly weapon.

"I love you too Tae." Seraphine said.

They were able to say it, able to let each other know that their love was worth it all the way until the end before V let his finger slip down. A loud pop as the bullet shot from it's chamber, then a loud thud as Seraphine fell to the ground, a deep, rich red pooling on the floor and soaking into the bottom of their shoes. Inside, Taehyung screamed. He had witnessed the love of his life die and the pain swelled within him like a fire, spreading through him at such a quick pace that it clouded V's vision of the wheel and Taehyung yanked on it, drawing the gun to his own skull and pulling once more.

He couldn't bare with the thought of knowing she was dead. He couldn't think of living in a world where she no longer roamed.

He couldn't let V get away with it. He wouldn't allow V to get away with any of it. This was the punishment he deserved. For the others he had hurt, and for the ones that could've been victims in the future, Taehyung killed him.

Now, he could finally go to that peaceful place. The lights were off and now his headache would finally dissipate. His complex feelings were gone and now he could finally let go.

He was at the end.

(The end! Idk what to really put in this author note

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(The end! Idk what to really put in this author note...?

I guess the one thing I want to put out there is that I hope I pulled this idea off. Throughout this story, I always thought I could add more so the readers understood the emotion exactly. But... I don't think I have the skills for that haha. One day I'll have improved a lot and this book will be a reminder of where I came from. I really do enjoy it.

It was hard to write at times. Diving into sensitive stuff is difficult to do as I don't want to hurt anybody. But without it, what would this story be? I wanted to bring attention to some of those sensitive topics to show that there's always someone who can be there, someone who understands.

I love you all very very much and I'm excited to see how far this book may reach. Thank you for reading Malevolent Accidents.)

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