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"Seraphine help me name the person who killed Jungkook." Taehyung said as he entered her house. To say she wasn't expecting that sentence to come out of his mouth was definitely accurate, for she wore a look of surprise on her pretty face.

"You want to name yourself?"

"Seraphine come on." Taehyung groaned, plopping down on the bar stool at the counter. She saw that he was being seriously and set down the toast she was chomping on, wiggling her fingers to knock the crumbs off.

"I'll help but why are we naming... it?"

"Because it's not me. It's not me so it shouldn't have my name. I don't want it to have my name. I didn't kill Jungkook, he did, and we aren't the same person-"

"Okay." Seraphine interrupted. It was clearly bothering him, and it would be easier to talk about if... he... had a name. "Do you have any ideas?"

"No. Where the fuck should I start? Want me to go to google and type in most common psychopath names?"

"Don't get cocky with me, you asked for my help."

"Sorry. I'm just tired and stressed."

"So one thing at a time." Seraphine said. Taehyung propped his chin in his hands and they thought, sharing ideas with each other. It was difficult, coming up with a name. But they settled on something. They weren't sure how they got there and if it even fit, maybe it was just the result of their tired brains agreeing on something random.


V was the name of the killer within Kim Taehyung.

And with it settled Seraphine continued to eat her toast and Taehyung, spent for the night, retired to her bed.

The atmosphere was dark when Seraphine stumbled from the comforting hands of slumber. She felt paranoid, like something was watching her, listening to her, close to her. It made her heart race and she slowly turned to her side to wake Taehyung- but he was awake.

It was him.

It was V.

His eyes were dark and his lips were parted to show off an evil smirks and Seraphine shot out of bed, her vision dizzy from getting up so quickly.

"Darling, come back to bed." V said, patting the mattress lightly, slowly. "I miss the warmth of your body."

Seraphine didn't even say anything. She was frozen and when V noticed she wasn't moving he got up, stalking towards her on eerily silent feet. His grip was gentle but firm on her wrist and she tried to shake it off but that made him growl.

"I said come back to bed."

"I'm not tired." Seraphine said. She didn't want to make him angry but she didn't want to get back into bed with him. She wanted to get away, to leave, to get out.

"Snuggle with me then." He said, smiling. The smile was so akin to Taehyung's that she thought this was just a hallucination, that Taehyung was really there and not this psycho. And her body relaxed as she thought about him being Taehyung that when V tugged on her wrist again she followed, falling back onto the bed. "Relax." V chuckled. "There's no reason to be scared, I'm not going to kill you."

That word brought Seraphine back to reality and she gasped, trying to shove V away. But he was horrifyingly strong.

"P-Please just let me go. You can go back to sleep and I'll be there when you wake up." Seraphine said. If she could play this situation off as normal then maybe he'd have no reason to harm her.

Except when looking at his face, it was hard to remember that this wasn't Taehyung. It was Taehyung's face and Taehyung's voice and Taehyung's body, but it wasn't him. It wasn't him. It wasn't him.

"I'd rather fall asleep next to you Seraphine."

What was she supposed to do? Believe him? If she stayed here she'd be unsafe and vulnerable, but if she disobeyed him, he'd get mad and go back on his word. And based on his strength now, she was scared to see what it would be like trying to escape from him.

She had no choice. So swallowing back a scream, she said,

"Okay. Let's go back to bed."


V allowed her to get comfortable- as comfortable as she could get when lying next to a murderer- and then he was next to her, his face near her shoulder and his arm around her waist.

"Goodnight." Seraphine whispered, her voice wavering in the dark. 

"Goodnight." V replied. Seraphine swore she could hear a smile in his voice but she willed her eyes to shut, focusing on letting sleep claim her.

If she didn't think about him, then there was no problem. If she pretended he wasn't there, then there was no reason to be scared.

If she imagined this as Taehyung, then he'd be there instead.

If she imagined this as Taehyung, then he'd be there instead

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