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"He's just dehydrated and overworked." The doctor said. Seraphine felt herself fill up with relief- though she had already heard it from the nurse, this was just more reassurance- and she nodded, her hand against Taehyung's thigh. He lay on the hospital bed, eyes closed softly. Seraphine thought he had never looked so peaceful in his life. Maybe this is what he needed. Just a lil break, you know? "Can you tell me a little bit about Taehyung's health?" The doctor asked. He had a blue pen with the hospitals name imprinted against the plastic exterior and a cork clipboard in his hand, which Seraphine assumed was Taehyung's patient file and she frowned, unsure of whether Taehyung would want her to talk to the doctor about his episodes of not.

"He's eats and drinks well. And he sleeps good at night. He's just been having a hard time lately with work and stuff, I think that's the cause of this happening."

"Possibly." The doctor said. "I noticed the cut on his neck and the scar on his wrist. Can you tell me about those?"

"Uhm..." Seraphine said, glancing at Taehyung uneasily.

"I can help find him a counselor if he'd like? Or therapy?" The doctor said calmly. It was odd, seeing as he had no idea what kind of patient he was dealing with. He probably thought Taehyung just another mild case of self harm or something along those lines, and he was just doing his job by asking, but within Taehyung's eyes lay a darker secret. Maybe he'd be suggesting a different place if he knew the truth.

Of course the doctor was oblivious, Taehyung's eyes were concealed behind his resting lids.

Seraphine thought about his words though. The doctor was suggesting therapy for his assumed self harm tendencies, but maybe therapy could help him cope with V. Maybe having a counselor or therapist was the next step towards getting better...?

"I'm not sure... maybe just get us a few numbers incase?" Seraphine suggested. The doctor nodded and scribbled a few things on the clip board then bowed and left the room. Seraphine sighed and closed her eyes, completely spent.

Taehyung was discharged a few hours after he woke. The doctors made sure he had something in his stomach and provided Seraphine with a few numbers for therapy or counseling and then they left, hopping into Seraphine's small grey car. Taehyung was silent as he looked out the window, the radio singing softly though it was basically static to their ears.

"The doctor suggested professional help." Seraphine said. She could feel the air thicken as Taehyung tensed beside her. At least it was the reaction she was expecting.

"Did you-"

"I didn't tell them about V, they just saw your scars. I wasn't sure what to say so the doctor just gave me a few numbers."


"I think you should try counseling Tae." Seraphine said, briefly glancing over at him before returning her eyes to the road ahead. Taehyung pursed his lips together. The idea of taking about his issues with a stranger was both aggravating and oddly comforting to think about.

He'd be letting yet another person in. And not to mention the fact that he could easily spill what V's done. That's a free get to jail card.

But counseling could help him build up his mind's strength. Maybe with some professional help, he could fight V. Maybe he could steer him away completely. He'd forever be plagued with guilt but it would be a massive weight off his shoulders if he could just get rid of V all together.

The idea of that gave Taehyung hope.

"Okay. I'll try it out and see how it goes."

"Really?" Seraphine said, surprised. Taehyung nodded and she couldn't help herself from smiling a little. "Good. I think it's just what you need."

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