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"Hey Taehyung." Yoongi greeted in his natural gravelly voice like usual. Taehyung nodded in acknowledgment and rounded the counter, standing behind the register. The teal lights were already giving him a headache. "The cops came here yesterday, while you had me cover your shift."

"H-Huh?" Taehyung felt his heart still.

Wait, was this it?

Would they find out it was him who killed Jungkook and send him to prison for the rest of his life? They'd probably find out that Seraphine helped too. God he was such a fucking idiot, he should've never involved her.

"Why'd they come here? Inspection or something?"

"Apparently that missing boy on the news was last spotted around this area. They came to see if we knew anything."

"What did you say?" Taehyung asked hesitantly. Yoongi eyed him, cheeks puffed out as they held air, and then they deflated as he exhaled deeply.

"I told them I wasn't working that night."

"Did you tell them I was?"

"Yeah. They asked where you were and I said you were out clubbing so... they shouldn't be back."

"Oh." Was all Taehyung managed to say. Yoongi stared at him for a moment longer and sighed, pulling his beanie over his head.

"Do me a favor Taehyung..." Yoongi began, one foot out the door. Taehyung gulped. "If they do stop by again and I'm not here, ask them if they're actually looking. It would be a shame if they were being lazy. Damn law is trash these days, you know?"

"Y-Yeah." Taehyung said, relaxing. "I'll make sure to let you know."

"Thanks. Bye Taehyung." Yoongi said. And he didn't wait for Taehyung to say goodbye because, well, he never really did.

Taehyung nearly passed out. Yoongi was one smart guy, and Taehyung knew he had his suspicions. I mean, seriously, one random day Taehyung has the security camera covered, a missing persons report it filed, the cops are searching places near the store, and now Taehyung somehow avoided them? By clubbing? From the outside Taehyung didn't look like somebody who would find entertainment in a club, so Yoongi probably thought it wasn't true, which would lead him to piecing together things on his own.

That would lead to trouble.

Having Yoongi snoop around was concerning, Taehyung would have to keep an eye on him. It would be easier if he was just out of the picture, but Taehyung couldn't force him away.

Well, his other side could- no. No, no he should not think like that. He should not think like that at all. If there was a scary side to Taehyung, sitting inside his mind and ready to pounce whenever, then Taehyung couldn't give it ideas.

He's so stupid.

"Stupid stupid stupid." Taehyung growled to himself, knotting his hair between his fingers. If he could give ideas to that nasty person that came out during an episode, then couldn't they give them to him?

Damnit this is confusing. It's all too confusing and Taehyung had enough going on inside his head, he didn't need this.

He wanted it to be easier.

Maybe if he named his other side it would take some of the pressure off his mind? It would make sense, he certainly wasn't Taehyung. So who was he? What was his name? What would you call a vicious beast that was as malevolent as a serial killer?

Seraphine could help. Yeah, Taehyung would just ask her later after his shift.

He could already feel some weight lifting from his shoulders.

Taehyung let his fingers loosen from his hair and his arms went limp, falling to his sides. The lights of the store made the back of his eyelids a mossy green static, and when Taehyung opened them he was met with... Jimin?

"You look swell." Jimin muttered sarcastically. He slid his usual across the counter and Taehyung hesitantly picked up his bubblegum flavored Hubba Bubba, scaning the label. "Is everything going alright in there?"

If only he knew.

"I'm fine." Taehyung sighed. "Would you like a bag?"

"Okay something's up." Jimin said. Taehyung saw concern in his pretty brown eyes and he huffed. He didn't want to feel the need to tell Jimin what was wrong. He didn't want to feel desperate for Jimin's comfort. But he wanted it all. "You never ask if I want a bag."

"It's just a stressful day today." Taehyung said. His eyes shot down to his hand, flat against the counter, when he felt something warm and soft touching it. It was Jimin's hand, gently laying over Taehyung's.

"I can help you Tae."

"Jimin I-... I can't. You know I can't."

"You said it yourself, there's no label. So there's no promise to break."

Fuck, he should not be debating this.

Why did Park Jimin have to be so tempting? Why was he so perfect? Why were his eyes like chocolate, why were his lips so damn kissable, and why was his voice sweeter than sugary strawberries?

"There's a label now." Taehyung whispered. "I'm dating someone."

"Okay..." Jimin frowned. He squeezed Taehyung's hand and it took everything in him not to flip it over so he could lace their fingers together, and luckily Jimin backed up, taking his gum and water with him. "I won't force anything of you Taehyung, but if you need to just... spend one night with somebody else, if you'll let me take care of you for just one night, then let me know."


Jimin left and Taehyung groaned, his hands once against twisting into his hair. He should've said no. He should've stopped Jimin before he could even finish that thought. Because now the idea was there, and Taehyung wanted to take up the offer.

But to be a murder, a rapist, and a cheater?

And to bring Jimin close to somebody so dangerous?

Taehyung would never forgive himself.

Taehyung would never forgive himself

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