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Things never got easy. It didn't work like that. If Taehyung was a serial killer it would be a different story, because he'd enjoy taking lives, but, you see, he wasn't a serial killer. He wasn't a killer at all, it was his other... side. His other side was the person who killed Jungkook. His other side was who killed Taehyung's parents.

But Taehyung had the guilt. He wore the hat of shame with him wherever he went, and working at the convenience store was more difficult than before. Taehyung found himself staring at the floor in front of the counter, sometimes blinking rapidly when he thought he saw red seeping out of the cracks.

At least Yoongi didn't know anything.

The only thing Yoongi knew was that Taehyung cleaned, a lot. The whole store smelled like chemicals to mask the metallic scent of blood but Yoongi took it as just an average cleaning thing. The only thing Taehyung got scolded for was covering the CCTV footage of that night.

When Taehyung walked into the convenience store minutes before his shift started, as usual, Yoongi was there. He always waited for Taehyung instead of relying on him to get there on time. Taehyung was never late though, and that's how he knew that Yoongi's only reason for staying was just to say goodnight.

And Taehyung always shooed him off. He couldn't lead Yoongi into a friendship or anything remotely close, he already had to face the consequences of that with Seraphine. Sure their situation was a bit different but Yoongi was a good guy, and he had good humor, so Taehyung knew he'd get attached quickly.

He couldn't afford a relationship with anybody else.

"See you tomorrow Taehyung." Yoongi said. "Goodnight."


The bell rang as Yoongi left. Taehyung sighed and, breaking another rule, grabbed a bag of chips off the shelf and pulled it open. Their vinegary flavor wafted through the air in an intoxicating cloud and Taehyung's eyes watered as he stared into the bag and jostled the chips around, plucking one to eat.

He ate the chips and served customers and although some tried talking to him he just smiled and rang up their goods. He had a few regulars though, and one in particular was somebody he favored a little more than others.

Jimin was a cutie and he liked to flirt a little, which Taehyung found amusing- and with this job it was hard to get that feeling. He came in about three times a week and purchased the same thing every time: a pack of bubble gum and a water bottle.

"Hey Jimin." Taehyung said as he scanned his things.

"Hey daddy." Taehyung smirked and shook his head, pushing Jimin's things across the counter for him to collect.

"Can't say that now Jimin, I've got... a girlfriend."

"You sound sure about that." Jimin giggled, leaning over the counter. Taehyung ripped the receipt from the machine and rolled it up between his fingers as he looked up through his lashes at Jimin, who stood there, eyes hooded in a seductive manner and lips parted in a smile to show his white teeth.

"There's no label." Taehyung said. "But I'm taken."

"I've missed my opportunity?"

"Yep." Taehyung laughed. Jimin sighed and leaned back, tapping the counter.

"You sure? I'm willing to share."

"Have a good day Jimin." Taehyung smiled.

"See you~" He sang as he left, throwing a wink over his shoulder. Jimin was definitely charming and maybe if Taehyung didn't have those complicated feelings for Seraphine he'd see where him and Jimin could go.

Actually, no, he wouldn't.

That's the problem with Jimin, he was too distracting. He already had Taehyung's thoughts going places the shouldn't be, wanting things he shouldn't want. So although Jimin was tempting, Taehyung decided to just keep their relationship where it was.

He was a flirty regular and Taehyung was just the lucky boy behind the counter, nothing more.

No more relationships, Taehyung.

That night when Taehyung entered Seraphine's house, he didn't take off his shoes.

"I'm going to stay at mine tonight." He said. "I just wanted to let you know." Seraphine was in the kitchen, standing at the stove top.

"Oh... well okay. Come see me tomorrow before your shift starts?"

"Yeah." Then he turned back around and left. By the time he made it back to his apartment he was exhausted and collapsed onto his bed, lazily kicking off his shoes.

 By the time he made it back to his apartment he was exhausted and collapsed onto his bed, lazily kicking off his shoes

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