Prologue - Acceptance Letter.

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"--Miss Coeur, how is he? Will Celiac ever regain his eyesight?!" An anxious voice emerged over the young village girl's shoulder."I-It was an accident... we were just playing throw-and-catch! I didn't mean for the ball to fall in the Liatris field--!" The child was sniffling into his sleeves."I-It's all my fault--!! C-Celiac!! I-I'm s-sorry!!"  The noisy sobs echoed through the empty house. 

"Please don't cry, it's not that--" The girl tried to offer some comfort yet, was cut off with more cries.

"Wuaah--" A pair of tears raced down the little one's cheeks like the Raelenea falls.

The pauper rolled her eyes and yearned in evident discomfort with all the distraint echoing in the background. How can someone ever concentrate with such a tantrum being made?  She thought but still, didn't fail to continue her work.

At last, the cries stopped. Nonetheless, the boy found another way to disturb the peaceful ambiance who once reigned at the vet station. The child couldn't be still for a whole minute; he was constantly jumping up-and-down right on her back. "Well?! How is he?! Tell me, tell me!"

The girl's eyebrow twitched in irritation but, the kind smile never left her semblance. "Almost done, dear. Just give me a second."

The happiness had returned to his face, soften his expression. He nodded and went to sit by the fireplace, where earlier I had placed some sweets in bowls for the waiting visitors. He swang his legs energetically while looking around the place. "The other day," He started. "--my mommy told me that there's this wizardess girl, living in the vale, who lost both her parents for the epidemic disease three years ago. She also said that if we ever meet her, we should always be kind to her!" 

That almost instantly tipped her off. "A-And... and why is that?" She asked while commencing to patch the little dragon's left eye.

"Well, mommy always says that we have to because she doesn't have anyone... no mommy, no daddy..." The boy replied and then, stuffed some of the sweets at disposal in his mouth. "Nhm... mm-nhm... she dwan't wave anywound that wuoves her! She must be wonly!" 

"She doesn't want their pity."  That spiteful word hovered in the air as long as an acute pain caused by a spindle remains sensitive on the skin. She cleared her throat and refocused herself on the care. "I-I mean, at least, is how I think she feels."

The boy shrugged his shoulder dismissively."I don't think that's what mommy meant"  He refuted.

"W-Well, either way. I think she'll turn out just fine." She murmured between clenched teeth.

The boy shrugged again."I'll do as my mother say, I'll be kind and give lots of love to her when I meet her!" And then, he gives the girl a smile so wide that just seems so genuinely sweet and innocent."I heard she's been helping everyone so, I want to help too!" His giggles were like music to her ears. There were still people with a good heart in this world. The girl, heart filled with love and affection, found herself smiling back to his attitude. In silence, she hoped this young, precious naive soul wouldn't ever change.

"Do you wanna check up on your friend? He's all patched up and ready to leave my marquise. What do you say?" She asked.

"Yeah?!" The boy jolted up from the chair and quickly ran up to her holding in her folded arms the dragon in a baby-position. "Celiac--! C-Ce--..."

"Hey, hey! Don't cry little one." She whispered softly while sweeping a lone tear from the corner of his eye. "He's going to be just fine! Part of the Liatris' liquid left his eye when you carefully washed it whit freshwater by the fountain. Very well done sweety!"

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