Chapter 45: An unsettling letter

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Upon waking, Aurora burrowed herself into the warm, soft sheets. Slowly and reluctantly, she uncovered her face. She rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes and lazily fluttered them open; one quick glance from where she was sitting, told her the room was empty, while it took her longer to acknowledge a note leaning against the lamp on the nightstand. She threw her legs over the edge of the bed and paused, stretching her arms above her head and yawning deeply. Her eyes finally seemed to adjust to light coming from the lamp bulb, and Aurora spotted the letter. When she was about to reach for it, a sudden gust of wind threw the windows open and surprised the girl.

Out of the blue, a flying paper resembling a butterfly of some sorts, stormed inside the room like it owned the place. 

"What's this?" The flapping sound was like the slow motion rotor blades of a helicopter trying to take off; in response, she streched out her hands to receive it and, as soon as it touched with its tip on her palms, the charter neatly unfolded before her eyes."It's a magic note." She made a quick observation.

"Who send it?" Elina popped out from behind her and leaned herself forward, supporting her small hands on her shoulders while she was trying to figure out how to get a peek."Is it a love letter? Is it from... you-know-who?" Her lips stretched into a big smile and she batted her lashes princessly-like, wiggling up and down her eyebrows suggestively.

The pixie's suggestion brought a blush to her cheeks, she could feel the warmth crawl up her neck. "W-Wha... n-no--" For a minute, she was too flustered to speak. 

"~ A peeled nut, a small cup of brandy, a kiss from Aurora will make headmaster happy ~" The pixie was too cute for her own good, and the young wizardess felt way too uncomfortable by the singing. If she could just turn herself into a puddle of water and melt into the floor, she would do it without thinking twice.

Elina loved silly poems, limericks and jokes that let her giggle and grin. Yet, on a more serious note,"I wonder... when will the headmaster finally confess to you? In my humble opinion, I do think he should hurry up because I know of someone who would be willing to take his place at any time--!"

Aurora cleared her throat and looked down at the note, embarrassed at herself for being naive and selfish these past few days. "L-Let's just read it, okay?"  She then fell silent and, at last, gave the letter her undivided attention. As she read the magical note in silence, the smile faded from her face too quickly to tell, being replaced by a deep frown. She covered her mouth to muffle a strangled cry in response, her eyes flew up in shock after reading the whole message.

The serious expression on her face caused Elina's gut to worry. She wondered what the letter said to upset her so and change her whole mood. "What is it?" She pressed, gazing back at the paper then back at her, "Aurora?"

The letter fell from her hands to the ground, "No, this can't be," she answered, trying to control the tremble in her voice.

As she did not get a concrete answer from Aurora, Elina flew down, she tried to lift the letter but it was too heavy for her so, she stretched it out on the floor and took the liberty of reading it; the beautiful handwriting made the letter seem like an ancient relic, she marveled that such delicate writing could still belong to someone nowadays.

« Greetings,

My name is Anneliese Rosaelia Isidora Ravenclaw, crowned princess of the Ravenclaw Kingdom and wife to King Louis Lionheart, current ruler of Genodelune. Today, I dared myself to write you this letter because I can no longer contain my concern and not take action. I don't know what came over me but, I can help not worry about my people's wellbeing as well as mine.

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