Chapter 2: Being a mess is exhausting

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"This map isn't helping at all!" Aurora grunted loudly while she sharply turned the chart upside-down once again; it was clever of her to check the acceptance letter one last time because otherwise, she wouldn't know that it had shifted its content to, temporarily, hold information concerning the school's perimeter. Everything was marked there, from the most open to the most closed space, only that she didn't understand a thing from it."It's making no sense!" And, unfortunately, one more problem added up to the equation, none of the buildings had their names written on their respective silver plates so, she wasn't able to match them to the ones in the map."Ugh-- I feel so helpless..."

"Hello. Do you need help?" A stranger's voice emerged from behind her.

Aurora jumped at the sudden sound and almost died of fright."AHH-" But, seeing it was just another student like her, her heart began to slowly quiet down and her breathing to settle in.

"Woah! Are you okay? Didn't mean to fright you!" The female student stated, waving her hands in a frivolous attempt of shooting the scared-cat that was Aurora."I just saw you mistreating that poor map--"

If you knew how it talked to me some awhile ago, you wouldn't say that... Aurora rolled her eyes, still acknowledging the ghosts from some of Mister Letter's spiteful words. 

"--I was a bit distraught at the sight." She bit her lip not knowing how to put it into words. On the closer look, her attire had a few minor differences when compared with mine; it differed in color when it came to the insider coat and ribbon. Maybe she was from an advanced class? She also has a red bracelet on her left arm. A club leader!

"Y-Yeah... sorry... I was just not expecting-- Well, I get scared easily." Aurora ended up confessing.

"Anyway, you seem lost. Are you a new student here?" The girl asked.

"Yes! My name is Aurora Coeur!" She hurried to introduce herself.

"So nice to make your acquaintance! I'm Louise Dimitri. So, how can I help?" The girl joined her hands rather enthusiastic, making a loud clap at the end.

"Likewise! Well, I seem to have a problem finding the main hall." Aurora explained.

"Have you try reading the magical silver plates in each building next to the doors?" She asked with a frowned expression.

"Yes, I have! But, there's nothing written on-- oooh...!" A lightbulb lit up on top of Aurora's head, leading her to the epiphany of a lifetime; metaphorically speaking, of course."Now I see clear as water! They're magical!! As everything here or it wouldn't be addressed as 'Magic Academy'. "

Louise giggled amused."Glad you could conclude that~"

"Heh-- not without your help, Louise!" Aurora kindly smiled at her."If it weren't for you, I would just be stuck here for, at least, one more hour!"

Louise friendly patted on Aurora's shoulder."I suppose now you can manage? Sorry, but I have to go. There's a few things I need to wrap up before I can return to the dorms."

"Oh-- yeah! Don't worry about me, Louise! I'm a big tough girl now, I can tie my own boots and everything!" She said and, Louise almost burst out laughing; she had to cover her mouth so, she wouldn't draw unnecessary attention from the near students. 

"You're a funny one, Aurora. You just made my day, now. See you later!" She turned her back and walked away.

Aurora waved back and soon, resumed the task ahead."Now, let's just get on with the spell. How was it again?" She touched her chin with the tip of her wand and dwelled in serious thought; she wished she could summon her book spells, it would be much more easier. Being that option off the table, she had to rely solo on her memory and, nothing assured her that the spell itself would work."Ah! That's it."  With the 'assumed-to-be' correct spell right off the tongue, she approached the nearest building and pointed the stick at the metal plate."Please, by the First King, work..." She prayed to herself before moving on to deliver the 'keywords'."Movilis Revelio." 

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