Chapter 20: A brand new morning

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"Hmm~" With her eyes slightly opened, she could only see an earthly-shade of brown hair right in front of her, with a sweet scent. In her dimmed eyesight just woken up, she was looking at it in a dreaming slumber."Randolph..." She blinked out of her stupor leisurely, acknowledging the person by her side. Carefully, so as not to wake him, she reached out and moved a strand of hair away from his eyes. She watched him in silence, her heart beating a mile per minute. Randolph's body suddenly tensed up and Aurora immediately stiffened a bit but quickly relaxed after seeing he kept his peaceful sleeping face. At last, she wavered a sigh of relief. "What time is it?" She asked to her buttons then, turned back and looked at the round clock behind the bed's position, on the far wall where the old piano still remained. It was seven in the morning. To speak the truth, it was late considering dorm's norms but, since it was Sunday and that she was already in trouble for sneaking out and sleep 'God knew where', she could stay in that office a little longer if she wanted. So, she adjusted herself to lie more comfortable, her body snuggling closer to his and her hand caressing his arm sweetly as if she was rocking him to sleep. She tilted her head up to check if he was still out-cold, he remained with his eyes closed, breathing slow and steady. She admired him: in a first glance, for a man possibly in his mid-thirties, he was very well conserved. It seemed that time was kind to him. She and everyone else recognized that he was drop-gorgeous and, to see him up-close like that, was a chance of a lifetime. His hair did not have a single, loose white streak and his face was firmly stretched like that of a young adult. He had long, dark lashes and an average nose. His slightly thicker lower lip was moist and perfectly closed, and his refined, thin mustache and clear jawline seemed to strongly define his facial features. Unusual height, his well-built body, his quick and lighthearted. Her fingertips trailed down his thorax as well as his six-patch, and... What's this? Just above his waistline on the right side of his body, was a peculiar tattoo. Why haven't I noticed this last night? He was half-naked for crying out loud...! She thought dazed at her lack of thoughtfulness in detail."So strange..."  It had a triangle shape, one similar to the Illuminati's eye, with a tent peg resembling a wand slicing it in half. Also, the phantasmagoric persona with open vulture-like wings imprinted inside the circle, reminded her too much of 'Grim Reaper', the Angel of Death. Just by touching it, she felt like picking up on some major vibes right there.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. As he did so, he let out a muffled groan due to the soreness of his body."Aurora? Good morning."

Her eyes met Randolph's, and she had a compromised expression written all over her face; she had been caught up red-handed. Feeling constrained, she covered herself with the bedsheet. What came over her just now? And what about last night?! To sleep on the same bed as he so casually... And, now having him closer than ever and touching him so mindlessly without his consent. She is completely shameless and, did not even bother to come up with a good excuse for her plump behavior."G-Good... morning..."

"What's wrong?" 

"N-Nothing!" She yelled from beneath the fortress.

"Then why are you covering yourself with a bedsheet?" He asked, fighting with her for the sheets."After everything, now you act all embarrassed?"

"N-No!" With no effort at all, he took them off from her, partially uncovering both of their bodies."D-Don't look at me--! P-Please..." She said covering her face.

"Why are you hiding from me? Do I have such an ugly face?" He reached out to her.

"I-I said don't look at me--!" Peeping through her fingers childish-like, she looked directly at his eyes.

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