Chapter 10: Sometimes The Right Path Isn't The Easiest

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A ceaselessly rustling sound tingled her senses, waking her up."Hm, Aurora?" Louise slowly rose from her bed, muttering and rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry for the noise--" Aurora said in a barely audible voice."--I'll keep it down."

Louise sat down and, still in between weary blinks, stared at the sunlit room; the morning rays came as enlightenment for the new day ahead."What time is it--?"

"It's still too early, go back to sleep," She replied and, again her eyes dropped to the book on top of the desk; the same one that, the headmaster has kindly given to her yesterday. For a moment, her fingers delicately ran through the leather binder - it was one of a simple earthy hued cover, easy to the eyes for its simplicity and, comforting to the soul for its short pages -, stopping by the protruding, golden letters. The title read 'The Augur of Existence", a portable-sized book about clairvoyance. On a closer look, it appeared to be hundreds of years old. Maybe the very first edition? If true, it was one that seemed to be put up with much use. She cautiously opened it; the scent of old was very distinguished, reminding her of gran-mama's house, the pages were still soft to the touch making countless cotton-fields from hometown pop up in the back of her mind and, the edges were so gracefully worn-out and its sides turned a light brown color that the thought of life itself slowly fading away became unbearable. With such sentiment in her heart, she then placed a hand over where the pages seemed the most damaged and hoped for a brighter future.

"What are you doing?" Louise stirred in between the sheets and again curled up in the comfort of her nestle.

"S-Studying," She blinked rapidly, startled, and turned a few pages.

"This early? Why?"

"I-I'll make sure today goes well!" Aurora exclaimed, jumping up in her seat.

Although ready to go back to sleep, Louise still smiled at her friend's optimistic attitude."That's the spirit, girl! Now, I'll just close my eyes for five more minutes. Wake me up before you leave for class."

"Okay!" Aurora replied energetically.

Looking out the window for a brief moment, a very pleasant day seemingly bid her 'good morning'. She gladly stretched out her arm and twisted the handle, nimbly pushing the window frame forth and welcoming the winter's drift inside with an wide smile."What a beautiful day is today...!" Her quiet whisper filled the silence in the room. "Spring is just around the corner." Then, she deployed her hand towards the sky and hopped her fingers in the air, hoping to touch and be touched by the wind and sunlight. She lowered her eyelashes and she bit back a moan of pleasure when felt the warmth crawl beneath her skin."This feels nice..." Soon, her breathing simmered down, her shoulders relaxed; the nerves from the night before were gone as if they never existed in the first place."It's like they say, a good night of sleep always helps clean the mind." She was ready to take on the whole world in her shoulders if that meant she could stay, continue doing her best and grow to be an amazing wizardess.

Her eyes slowly peeled open, and then glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Time for classes.


The final bell of the day announcing the last class had ended rung, echoing through all campus.

Down the hallway, Liz spotted Aurora. She ran over to her and walked beside her."Hey, wait up!"

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