chapter 20

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please read A/N at the end!

3:57 pm
mattia felt his phone ring, he looked at the name and it was his mom. his face instantly dropped, he excused himself from his friends and went to the bathroom. they went to mcdonald's, kinda like a hangover date.

"mom?" mattia whispered.

"hi, baby. how are you?" mattia heard the smile in her voice, it instantly warmed him up and gave him a smile.

"i'm good, how are you & luca?"

"uh, we are good..." there was a long pause, mattia shaking his head in anticipation.

"your dad uh- he won't be home for awhile so..if you want to come home, you can. i miss you, luca does too." her voice was low, but she was telling the truth. mattia cracked a smile a bit and thought of the smell of his own house, it was like a warm summer feeling.

"that's great! yeah yeah, i'll come home! i think i over stayed at kais anyway." mattia says, waiting for her reply.

"okay," she smiles, "cant wait to see you! bye mattia. love you."

"love you" mattia hangs up, calms down his happiness a bit and walks back to his friends table.
he saw only kairi sitting there, he was slightly slouched with a lowkey pissed expression on his face.

"uh, where's the others?"

kairi jumped and looked at him, "they wanted to go to the arcade next door, i decided to wait for you." he smiled, mattia nodded confusingly and sat down at the table.

"my mom called..she said dad won't be there and wants me to go back home." mattia said to ease the silence, kairi looked up and smiled at his friend.

"that's..great! i'm happy for you, mattia." kairi replied, still keeping that smile.
5:56 pm
as the mattia was packing with kairi helping, he looked down, trying to keep the tears in his eyes, of course kairi knew what was wrong. he knew his best friend inside & out.

"something wrong, matti?" he whispered, putting some clothes in mattias bag. mattia shook his head to shake the sadness off, "nope. why?"

"hmmm, lying isn't gonna cut this time. tell me, please." kairi stopped folding and walked closer to mattia. mattia just looked down and mumbled something to himself.


"i'm-im scared." he said not even above a whisper, kairi wondered why he was nervous to say he was scared.

in mattia eyes, he's supposed to be the alpha. not afraid of anything, basically a 'fuck it' attitude. but deep down, he has that small weakness. that anger that's built inside of him too is what covers it. but being scared, he hates it.

"scared of what?" kairi asked, going closer to mattia.

"of..of seeing them. i don't know. maybe i'm just nervous cause i haven't seen them in a long time?

kairi chuckles at mattias blushed cheeks from embarrassment, "it's okay to be scared bubba." mattia looked at kairi with hope in his eyes.

"are you sure?"



"how are we supposed to tell them?" alvaro asked, pacing back and forth.

"why are you so freaked out over this?" alejandro asked, shaking his head in confusion. the issue is, they want to come out and tell everyone that they are together. but they are scared of feedback;

well, alvaro is.

"because i don't want them to be mean to us about it," he crossed his arms, his eyes lit up, "arent mattia & kairi supposed to come out before us?"

"they're a messy relationship, Al. i wouldn't wait for them." alejandro deadpans, staring at the wall.

"wait," alvaro goes in front of alejandro and asks, "they are together?"
alejandro shrugs, "dunno." alvaro raises his hands in annoyance at how alejandro can be so...dumb.

alejandro defends himself, "well i meant as in friendship or whatever the fuck they are! i mean, mattia is a bull and kairi is the person with the red cape-"

"-matadors" alvaro cuts him off rolling his eyes.

"right, matadors...anyway, kairi is the matador. he gives mattia the red flag signal to instantly charge at him, he could hurt him, kill him, hell even rip his insides out; and kairi will still be there, falling for him even more..literally dying in the process."

alvaro laughs at alejandros comment, "so you think they are dying for love?"

"it's fucking mattia & kairi. they would do anything for love." alejandro replies, shaking his head giggling.

alvaro softens up and sits down with him, "are...are we like that?"

his lover looks at him with confusion, "no baby no! never."



hi! i wanted to give you guys from alvaro & alejandro:)
ANYWHO, i'm sorry my updates have been getting a bit slower, i've been doing school work at home because of this virus so i have to multitask a lot, i'll update as early as i can!

i hope you guys are staying healthy and washing your hands!



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