Chapter 2

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Chaeyoung's POV:
The small crowd was forming around us. I was getting a little worried, I'm used to it, but Y/n isn't, luckily it's not big, that would've been worse for Y/n.

My worries calmed down after I saw Y/n smiling, talking, and occasionally laughing with Manager unnie. She was blocking a few people here and there. She was doing well.

After walking for a while, we finally came to a stop. I ignored all the whispers of people wondering who Y/n is. I'm just thinking about how happy I am. She finally gets to come home with us.

I can't wait to introduce her to the others, they know she is coming, but they don't know what she looks like or anything else. They just know her age, she's female, and that she's coming. That is it.

"So you okay?"

She shrugged "It's not a lot of people, there should be a lot more in Korea. The flashes give me headaches, and I can't deal with large crowds."

I stop and look at her "I'll always be with you, so will Manager unnie, and so will the rest of Twice. Always"

I hug her, I can feel her relax. I can tell she's feeling better after what I said

Y/n's POV:
After what Chaeyoung told me, I felt better. She was good at that, I have a good feeling about going.

She told me they don't know what I look like or anything like that. Well they will be surprised that I'm short. I'm 5'2, and the shortest member of Twice is 5'2. I guess that's okay though.

We finally got past the little crowd and bored the plane. I just got my passport yesterday, because of how long it takes to get. When my mom told me about this whole exchange thing, the first thing I had to do was get a passport.

When we get on the plane, I fall asleep so quickly. It's my first time in a place, and I don't want to feel anything that could freak me out, so falling asleep was my next best choice.

When we landed, I felt someone shake me, it was Manager unnie. Chaeyoung was getting our things, so Manager unnie had to wake me up.

Getting off wasn't so bad, it was the main lobby part that was the worst. It was so crowded, now I'm getting a lot more nervous.

I guess the news of Chaeyoung getting on a plane must've spread, they were just lucky that she was heading back to Korea, not going someplace else.

The flashes were giving me a huge headache while we passed through. When I get really bad headaches I get dizzy, and when I get dizzy, I get close or I do pass out.

"I don't think...I can take this" my voice was faint, as I collapsed on the floor.

Chaeyoung ran over, she was helping me stand up. The flashes were still going, and it was making everything worse. Manager unnie put me on her back, and we all walked out.

Manager: "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I-I'm fine. The flashes...headache...bad"

I rest my head on Chaeyoung's shoulder, falling asleep. Next thing I know is I'm being woken up by her, in front of the building, I'm gonna guess it was where their dorm was.

Chaeyoung's POV:
Finally we arrived back home. She is so cute when she's asleep. I let her sleep because she got a headache at the airport.

I'm gonna guess now would be a bad time to tell her that she'll have to come with us to the music shows, and all the places that'll have the flashing cameras

I'll tell her eventually, but as of right now, we get our things out of the van. I tell her to wait outside, while I get the others inside.

She just nodded as I was walking in. Mina was the first one to run and hug me. I guess she missed me

Mina: "Where is she?!"

I guess not...but she must be excited because she was yelling.

I chuckled "Outside. Go get the others, I want you all to wait in the living room. I'll bring her inside. Also tell them, she's shy and also don't crowd her. She collapsed at the airport. She needs space"

I can tell Mina was really concerned, but still nodded as she left going to gather the others. I went outside, slowly being her inside, helping her with her things.

She stopped walking, and didn't look so excited as well. Did I do something? Did she do something?

"What's wrong?"

She looked down "What if they don't like me? Also I'm really nervous. I'm a fan of the group, but now that I'm here, I'm scared they will hate me or something"

I smiled while I gave her a comforting hug. She took a deep breath. We both walked into the living room, seeing everyone in there sitting on the couch. She just stopped and stood in front of them.

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