Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:
So now I'm standing in front of Twice. This is actually a dream. I'm actually getting more nervous.

"H-Hello" ...You blew it Y/n. Why can't I just act cool and not stutter.

They smiled, so maybe it wasn't that bad. To be respectful, I bowed and nervously stood behind Chaeyoung. I was a little too nervous.

Mina: "It's okay Y/n, you'll be fine"

Wow. Her voice is so soft. It's everything I ever needed to hear.

"Okay, uh well hi. I'm Y/n, I'm from America..obviously. I'm 15, and I stopped growing so, uh yea this is my height"

I nervously laugh. All of them are just looking at me, I mean they are smiling, but I will bet 100 right now that they can see through my nervousness.

'Please let me finish this without any problems'

"I am a 2nd year in high school...I think it's different here. I want to be done with school. I don't sing or dance, so don't ask me to. I love taking photos, and I wish to start my own YouTube channel...That's me"

I take a deep breath. That was hard. I've never been more nervous...well except when I'm presenting a project.

Mina's POV:
This girl is so cute. Y/n will be amazing to have around. Too bad she only speaks English, but it will help all of us out. Our English could get better.

"So Y/n, you want to start your own YouTube channel?"

She nodded very shyly. It was honestly so adorable, she's just a cute little thing. I think it's the fact that she's small, and how she's nervously standing.

"What do you want to do on your channel?"

You can tell she went blank. I let out a small chuckle, like how can you not. She's a little baby, small, pretty, and just always doing cute small movements. Finally she had an answer.

"Well I want to do vlogs, show my way of writing songs and producing. Maybe a few challenges I want to try"

I don't know if I heard this right "You produce music?"

Y/n: "Well I'm trying. I never let anyone hear it, so if I ever do post it, I would want the feedback to get better. Oh! oh I just remembered, I also want to do reactions on my channel"

I can't take it, she is just too cute. I just ran up to her, hugging her again.

Chaeyoung's POV:
And Mina was back to hugging her again. The others haven't said anything. I'm a little worried now, Y/n was so worried she won't be accepted. If they don't accept her, I will break her. I look at Jihyo and she has a soft look, I can tell she is looking at Y/n with her motherly eyes.

"So Jihyo unnie. Uh what's on your mind?"

She didn't say anything, she just stood up and hugged Y/n. I was so confused, yet happy at the same time. I was really hoping for good results

"So anyone else?"

No ones POV:
Jeongyeon watched as Mina and Jihyo hugged Y/n, she looked around and saw the others still sitting down. Her no jam bro had a worried face on, looking at them.

Chae: "So anyone else?"

Momo: "Chae, don't worry. We love her, and we told you that when you were leaving for America. We looked forward to seeing her and we are happy to have her in our family"

Everyone looked at Momo, it's not that they disagreed with her, it's because of how well she worded it. She basically spoke for everyone. All of them nodded.

When Jihyo and Mina finished hugging Y/n, she stepped back into that shy shell she had. Still she was yawning, showing how tired she was.

Tzuyu "Why don't you take a nap Y/n ah"

Y/n shook her head "I'm not tired, but I was wondering. One day, can I go around the city, you know just seeing things around here."

Nayeon stood up "Sorry Y/n, not for a while. We have a comeback that we're preparing for. So it won't be for a while."

Y/n nodded "I understand, but what if...I go by myself. Nobody knows I'm with you guys yet. So it'll be like I'm a tourist"

Nayeon shook her head "No. You just came here, and we want you safe. You can't go outside alone. So why don't you go out your things down in your room. It's down the hall, right there"

Nayeon pointed to the room. Y/n goes into the room, shocked at how decorated it is. Slowly putting her things down.

Y/n's POV:
This room is so cute. They decorated it? I mean I love it, I don't want to change it. It has each of them somewhere in here.

There is a small bunny jewelry holder.
A photo stand with a cartoon ostrich standing with a cartoon raccoon drawn on (Not getting rid of that)
Ok the bed, a stuffed animal shiba.
Unicorn pillow
A penguin and cub blanket
An eagle and dog stuffed animals.

They are so cute, I'm still wondering if they did this. I don't care who did it, I just want to thank them.

I put my things down, sitting on the bed while looking around. My hat and mask, now on my suitcase. I'm starting to think,

'How will my life really be here?"

I was too into my thoughts, I didn't even know any of them were there. Well that was until Dahyun coughed to get my attention.

Dahyun: "If you are wondering who decorated it, then that would be all of us...except Chae. The only thing she did was pick the blanket and the color the sheets would be. So do you like it?"

I quickly nod "I-I love it. This is actually amazing, and I love stuffed animals, these blankets are comfortable, and the cartoons are so cute. The pillow is cute too, and even though I don't wear jewelry a lot, I will just so I can use that bunny jewelry holder"

I was so lost, but I can tell they are happy that I love it.

Sana: "Well let's go eat, get to know each other more, then come back for bed. Tomorrow we are heading out to JYP"

I follow them out. This actually won't be so bad. I'm just curious to see how my life will be, now that I'm here with my guardians being Kpop idols.

No ones POV:
All of them talked, ate, even took some pictures for the memories. They all grew fond of Y/n, while Y/n got comfortable with Twice all together.

They went back to the dorm, got ready for bed, and said goodnight to each other. They all headed to their respective rooms, but Y/n didn't go to sleep.

She was up most of the night texting her friends who were awake in America. It wasn't until Jeongyeon got up to go check on Y/n, when Y/n actually fell asleep.

What happened was when Y/n heard the footsteps, she pretended to fall asleep, but ended up knocking out.

Luckily her phone was plugged in while she was using it, so thankfully it got to charge all night. (It sucks when you find out in the morning that all night your phone wasnt charging)

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