Chapter 34

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Y/n's POV:
Well I guess it's official, I have a girlfriend. That's great, things are great. I mean it's been 3 weeks already, but today, I'm performing the dance with Auntie Momo after school. So as me and Min walk out of school, Manager unnie is waiting in the car, and I see Ms.Kim's car as well.

We hugged "Bye Min, I'll see you Monday" and she kissed my cheek "Bye love." I didn't have time to process that, and she just walked away as I stood there shocked.

I don't know how long I was standing there, but a honk snapped me back to reality. When I got in the car, I noticed Manager unnie kind of smirking "So what happened?"

I shrugged "I was just processing what she told me" She gave me a slight nod, but I already knew she saw me. Well at least it wasn't any of the Twice members, they would've teased me to no end.

When we get to the company, I change into my clothes and we start to go over the song again before we show the others. When we did go in front of them, I found it to be a little nerve-racking.

I saw mom recording us, and when the song started, I decided to go with the flow and let my body move. When the song finished, I was out of breath because it was a fast choreography that had a bunch of movements. I was still proud of my performance, they cheered so I know they liked it too.

Twice started to practice their songs, so I sat down in my corner of the room, and like always I was sitting down while on my phone. But it got interrupted when manager unnie came in

Manager unnie: "I have news" Everyone was excited to hear the news because manager unnie looked very happy "So you will be going on a world tour"

Oh no...but wait, there's more

Manager unnie: "You should be home for a good month and a half"

Mom looked at me "What about Y/n, she has school and that's a little long to be out of school"

Manager unnie shrugged "Let her stay in Korea?"

Auntie Mina shook her head "Babe she can't stay alone"

Mom nodded "I'll talk to her school. When do we leave?"

Manager unnie looked at her calendar "In 3 weeks, you'll film the tour promo tomorrow, then the video will be posted the next day."

They continued their conversation while I was sitting in my corner debating whether I should complain about going or if I should love that I'm going.

I don't want to be behind in school or leave Min, but I also want to visit the world, and that also means going back to America, and I want to go back and see my hometown.

I'm a complicated child, yes I know. Well that's when I decided to do another surprise for Twice. Min told me I could strike up a small conversation in Korea, so that's surprise number one.

I got up "Manager unnie, can we pick up food?"

Manager unnie looked up, then at Twice "Are you guys hungry?"

They nodded, so we both got to her car. When we started to drive away from the company, I smiled "So I know I have to go on tour with them, but I want to do a surprise for them"

She gave me a small nod "That's why you wanted to get food?"

"Well, I'm hungry and want food, but yes I need your help"

Manager unnie: "Okay, with what?"

"Well I am working on a surprise well for everyone, but for their surprise, I want to sing to them"

Manager unnie: "So will I get to hear you sing, or do I have to wait till then?"

"You get to hear me, and help me tell me if my singing is good or not, also you can be the judge. I found so many videos on YouTube that can somewhat help me"

Manager unnie: "I can talk to the vocal coach, and see if he wants to help you"

"I'm fine, I don't want to bother him"

Manager unnie: "Let me ask, he might say yes, who knows?"

"Will you be there with me?"

Manager unnie: "Always Y/n, so now can I ask about Min and what happened?"

She got a mischievous smirk on her face, so I nodded "Fine, we hugged and I said bye. Then she kissed my cheek and said bye love...and it took a while to process"

She chuckled, then we spent the rest of time in the car talking about different things. We got the food, and got back to the company. Manager unnie gave me the food, and told me she'll go talk to the vocal coach while we eat.

The next day at the company, Manager unnie called over and told me that he'll do it since it's a surprise for Twice. I guess it's final, I'm gonna sing one of Twice's songs, and I think 'After Moon' is a good song.

I sat down next to her "So when can he actually...?"

She smiled "Today while they are filming, he'll be free"

I looked at her surprised "It's After Moon, I can't just jump into it"

She handed me headphones "Let's take a walk, you can ask me about any Korean words you have a hard time with"

I nodded and left, knowing we left behind a clueless Twice, but they don't question it because I'm with Manager unnie. While we walked, we went through the whole song. I wrote down as much as I could, so I guess our plan starts now.

I'm gonna surprise them, I'm gonna sing in front of a sold out venue, in front of Twice, trying not to have a panic attack. Wait, it's Seoul, I'm singing in Seoul, that's...great. Well I want to do it, so let's do it.

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