Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV:
The next morning, I woke up pretty early, okay maybe not that early, but 10 is too early for me. I lazily got dressed, changing into a casual outfit, which looked cute at the same time. This time I actually put on my contacts, grabbed my mask and hat, walking out of the room.

Mina was walking to the bathroom, she was getting ready. So I have time to rest a little. They are at least in the afternoon, so dropping me off won't be a problem since they get off around 5, so Mina has time to pick me up from the park as well.

I sat on the couch and texted Min 'Mina is getting dressed, so I'll meet you at the cafe in a lil. Remember she wants to meet you when I get there'

I sent the text, getting an 'Okay' a few seconds after. I smiled, watching a little bit of TV while I waited for Mina to finish. I checked my bag, making sure I had everything I needed. I have my charger, my glasses case, my contacts container, my wallet, and a few snacks because I love to snack.

I was ready to go now, Mina walked out smiling as she saw me sitting on the couch. She kissed my forehead

"Morning Mina"

Mina: "Morning baby. Sleep well?"

I nodded as she grabbed her mask and keys "You ready?"

I got up and walked out with Mina. I wrote the others a note since they were using their extra time to sleep. It was okay, I know they are busy and very tired.

Mina's POV:
We both walk out, and she's waiting for me to lock the door. I gotta admit, I'm loving the outfit. I really hope Min wants to be her friend and isn't using Y/n, that would really crush Y/n's spirit.

We started the drive to the cafe, and it was pretty fast since the 5 minute walk was now driven. I looked over to see her texting, someone looked up from sitting on a bench, running across the street to Y/n's side since it was off the road.

Y/n: "That's her, that's Minyoung"

Y/n got out of the car, so I rolled down the window so I could talk to them. She walked over bowing, as I just smiled

Min: "Hello, I'm Minyoung, or Min for short"

I waved a little "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Mina"

Min nodded "I know, I'm a fan actually. But don't worry, it was great meeting you"

I looked over to Y/n "Text me when you leave here and get to the park. I'll you up later"

Y/n nodded, and Min looked at Y/n "What time do you have to be home?"

She looked at me, hoping I could give her an answer.

"We get off at I'll pick you up at around 6?"

Min and Y/n agreed, I waved, saying bye. Driving off, I hope this goes well. She does need a friend, since all of hers are in America.

Y/n's POV:
This was fine, it's okay, she doesn't seem like she would use me. We watched Mina drive off, so I looked at Min, she smiled

Min: "So you ready to go in?"

I nodded, so we crossed the street, going inside. We sat far away from the door, and right next to each other. We decided to eat while we played a few games, it worked since we both didn't eat any breakfast.

We played one round of a racing game, and I won. I loved that she loved games as well. Luckily our food came, so we chose to talk for a bit, while we ate our food, just to get to know each other.

Min: "So, how is it living with Twice?"

That's a normal question...right. I'm overthinking this

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