Chapter 49

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Y/n's POV:
I laid down in my bed for whatever my reason, but I question myself, why didn't I go after her? Why did I let her walk away? If I were to go after her now, she would question why I didn't go after her before and stop her if my reasoning was that simple.

I need to make a new plan, but right now my plan involves an ice cream tub and spoon.

There were a bunch of knocks on my door, and it was Auntie Dahyun "Y/n...Honey?" I didn't respond.

Then I heard another voice "Y/n? Are you okay?" I think it was Auntie Nayeon. I can't tell, I'm too distracted by my own crying to tell who's who now.

I heard the door unlocking and I just groaned "I didn't say you can come in!"

Mom sat down on my bed "What happened?" I looked up at her, then at the door where I saw all of the standing, so I laid back down.

"What do you think happened? She broke up with me"

Mom sighed as she stroked my hair "What did you do"

I immediately got up, and something inside me just lost it "Why do you think I did something?! You know, maybe she could've just been tired of me! Am I the One that has to do something wrong?!..." My voice got quiet "...I thought you had more faith in me"

Mom was frozen, and looked back at everyone, then back at me. She sighed softly "Y/n? You know that's not what I meant"

I nodded "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just so mad right now, not at Minyoung, but at myself. I didn't chase after her, I didn't explain anything...I just let her go, and I'm not supposed to do that" I hugged mom and just cried some more.

It took a while, but everything finally calmed down. We sat in the living room, and I watched a movie with everyone. They made me a sandwich, but first things first, I completed part 1 of my plan...

Eat ice cream and be sad *check*

When the movie finished, I grabbed my phone and called my friend "Hey Kayla"

Kayla: "Hey, so how'd it go?"

"Uh, it's best to say that you won't be seeing me or meeting her tomorrow. I'll see you after school though on Monday"

Kayla: "Hey, what happened?"

"She um...broke up with me"

Kayla: "What happened"

"She....nothing. If rather not say"

Kayla: "Well okay, I'll see you Monday"

"Bye" I hung up and looked around the room. It's best not to tell her the reason why, I don't want to make things awkward.

"So, you all want to know why she broke up with me. Don't you?" They nodded and I just sighed

"Okay, she saw me at the park. I was leaning against Kayla, we were losing hands, which is something we've done since we were little, then our hug was longer and different then a quick side hug, and I know that. We also stared at each other before laughing all happy. She wanted to talk so she could understand what happened and not make any assumptions. But I had to be so stupid, and I denied everything, but I can explain them now. I never told Min that Kayla had a girlfriend who was standing right next to her. When I couldn't explain anything, she got mad and stormed off. I froze and watched her leave. I didn't want to lose her, but I know it's my fault."

They comforted me, and I fell into a very sad state. It didn't make me feel better when I remembered I was gonna surprise Min with a video tomorrow. I guess not anymore, but I need to get her back.

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