Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:
Manager unnie gave me back my phone, but it's just because Jeongyeon didn't want me to notice anything off, but I did.

I saw Jeongyeon whisper to the other members, all of them had serious faces, but nothing more. Nothing was said, so I was still curious.

I'll find out later on Instagram or something. Someone must've noticed it and posted it online. But that'll probably happen after they finish the vlive.

I'm on my phone for a while, and I guess I fell asleep. I didn't even realize I did, until I was woken up by Sana who was saying it's time to go.

I must've been asleep for a few hours, because it was lunch time and I was hungry.

We got in the vans, driving to the restaurant that we would be going to. I think it's gonna be a long drive and I'm still tired

I'm sitting by the window, and Momo is in the middle. So she's the only one next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder, since I was tired and I felt comfort from it.

Momo's POV:
Y/n rested her head on my shoulder, and it felt nice. I'm so happy she's in our lives. We get to take care of her, and I love it.

She doesn't know that we've talked about her punishment, or that she'll be given it after lunch. She'll find out soon though.

I looked down at her and she's just spaced out. She's so cute and innocent. I can't believe someone wants to hurt her. It's not okay.

We've told all the staff members that were there and we also told JYP himself hoping he will do something. But to be safe, we all made a plan to protect her.


She looked at me, she's cute

"How was the vlive?"

Y/n: "It was fun, I liked seeing the comments...Even though you guys are hiding something from me"

She put her head back on my shoulder. I looked around, seeing Jihyo, Chaeyoung, Sana, and Jeongyeon who were surprised at what she said.

Jihyo was quick to cover it up "Okay you caught us. We are hiding something from you. What we are hiding is that when we get home from lunch, you're getting punished. We all decided, and we want you to go straight to your room and wait until one of us comes to you"

Y/n looked up, she was not expecting that. I guess she shouldn't have ran. I hugged her and was letting her know that it's okay, and that the punishment shouldn't be bad.

Y/n's POV:
I am so dead when lunch is over. I thought she was gonna tell me about the comment, not about my punishment. I mean I guess it's what I deserve, I did scare them by running off.

"May I ask..uh what's gonna happen?"

They looked at each other, but Chaeyoung was the one choosing my next fate. I'm scared, not gonna lie.

Chae: "Sure, you'll be getting a spanking from one of us. I'm not saying who it will be, but it'll happen"

I froze, I couldn't move. I was just shocked to be honest. I did not expect that.

But they're gonna what? gonna happen in my life.

"No way, you can't-"

Of course when I get interrupted it's by God Jihyo. I will be right now that she is going to be the one to punish me. I'll bet 100 dollars right now, because I know it will be her.

Jihyo: "Yes we can Y/n. We are technically your legal guardians until Chaeyoung makes it official. But nonetheless we get to choose your punishment"

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