Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV:
After I took their picture, we all looked at them seeing how they turned out. I was honestly really happy with it. I was able to download it to my computer, then from there I sent it to my phone, then I sent it to them.

I texted Min, telling her about my camera, and we came up with so many plans for my channel. I took pictures of Twice, the staff, and just small things I find cool.

I posted the pictures of the small things on my Instagram, I'm still kind of on the down low, but my followers spiked when I was introduced to Once, thankfully not by too much.

Everyday felt like a repeat: eat dinner, watch Twice film, and help Jihae film or sleep. I stayed out of trouble minus some scoldings, and I was able to meet up with Min again. Mom met her and Ms.Kim, and it was really fun.

Skip...2 weeks later...

Twice promotions are over, and they got a small break to relax. Today we're going to Min's house for dinner, and I'm really excited to go.

Auntie Jihyo gathered everyone so we could leave, and Auntie Mina gave the address to the house so they have an idea where to go. I'm also bringing my camera so we can take some pictures together. I've gotten better at it, and are looking really really good.

We had to take separate cars, so we had to wait for the other car to arrive, when it finally showed we got down. Auntie Mina knocked on the door, and we saw Min open it a minute later, letting us in.

Ms.Kim was finishing dinner "Hello, I'm almost done. You can wait in the living room if you want"

Twice sat down on the couch, chairs, but mom sat on Auntie Tzuyu's lap, while Dahyun sat on Auntie Sana's lap. Me and Min sat on the floor talking to each other while Twice had their own conversations.

When Ms.Kim finished, she set the tables she had set up, walking into the living room. "Okay, who's ready to eat?"

We got up Somi long, sitting around the tables, served ourselves food, thanking her for the food, and ate it. I actually enjoyed the food, she's a good cook.

Ms.Kim "I hope it's good"

Auntie Momo nodded, she's the food lover "It's delicious, but you didn't have to make us a whole dinner"

Ms.Kim shook her head "I wanted to. I know it's hard being an idol, you're away from home, and all the homemade cooking. So I wanted to do this for you and give you a piece of home"

I can tell Twice melted, they nodded, still eating the food because it's really good. Mom and Ms.Kim started talking to each other, and I just caught on with the conversation.

Mom: "So Ms.Kim, what school does Minyoung go to?"

Ms.Kim: "She'll attend the international school that's down the street there."

Mom looked at me "That's actually where I was thinking of sending Y/n to school"

I looked up, I didn't like going to school. In fact, I completely forgot about school since I moved here. It's different in America, we start in August, here they start in March, that's months before us. Here in Korea, they have 3 years of high school while America has 4 years.

So when I met Min, I told her I was in my 2nd year of high school, and she told me that she was in the same grade. Are we in the same grade, or how is that gonna work?

Min's POV:
When I first saw Y/n, it was on a Twice Vlive. She said she was from America, and I was going to go back to America for high school but didn't, so I know that they have 4 years of high school.

She's the same age as me, so she would be a freshman with me, in America she's a 2nd year. We're in the same grade, just a little early for her.

She came around late February, and I had just graduated Middle school, she never finished her grade. We talked about her leaving America, and her last 2 weeks of school were short for her, now saying bye to her friends.

She basically had 2 or 3 months left of school, but before she left, she got signed up for something that would let her finish everything online.

She did all the work and is now ahead of her friends because she finished her school year. She only did it during her free time, which was a lot because Twice did a bunch of things.

It's gonna be different for her, but she's gonna go to the same school that I'm going to, so it'll be really fun. She's gonna love it next month, we'll be together. I can hear Chaeyoung talking to my mom some more.

Chaeyoung: "Yeah, I have to go in soon to sign her up for next month. And I hate to ask but if there are some days that we get too busy, can you pick up Y/n as well?"

Mom nodded "Oh yeah, of course. Just send me a text, and I'll pick her up as well. You'll be able to pick her up here"

Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, and Sana seemed to be enjoying the food, and can't blame them, my mom does make good food. She's happy that I made a new friend, it's hard for me to make friends, and it's great because she now has new friends to talk to as well, which is Twice.

Dahyun, Jihyo, and Tzuyu were listening to the conversation my mom and Chaeyoung were having, and it involved me and Y/n. She seemed bothered when school was mentioned, so I whispered

"You know we'll still have each other, don't worry about it a lot. We'll be together"

She sighed of relief, smiling and nodded at me.

Y/n's POV:
We finished eating, so while Ms.Kim talks with Twice Me and Min went into Min's room. We sat down on her bed, and I just started to think

"So when we met, I told you I was a 2nd year, and you said are we in the same grade"

Min smiled, laying down on her bed, and I just followed her "I knew you were from America, it was announced on the Vlive. When you said you were a 2nd year,  that was you thinking of the 4 years of high school. So when I told you I was also in the same grade so I don't confuse you or make you think I'm younger than you or make you think I failed a grade. I'm in my first year here in Korea, and so are you."

I finally understand, and I'm so glad I have Min with me by my side. We decided to watch some YouTube videos, and I even took some pictures of her while she was watching. She looked really cute. But after a while we just watched in silence and I didn't even realize I fell asleep until Min woke me up

"Y/n, get up, you're leaving."

I got up quickly, looking around "Huh? I'm still here..I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize I fell asleep.

She shook her head "It's fine, don't worry. It made for some really cute and funny pictures"

We laughed, but as I was walking back I remembered we never got to take a group photo. We walked into the living room and I saw everyone laughing a little while looking at me

Min chuckled a little "They know you fell asleep"

I groaned, looking at them, they were now trying not to laugh anymore. I walked up to Ms.Kim and mom, standing in front of them a little nervous.

"I was going to ask if it was okay that we could all take a group photo...?"

Ms.Kim smiled "Sure honey, that's fine"

Mom and the rest of Twice nodded. I got excited, we found a good spot, I set up my camera, and put a timer. We took the picture, and I showed it to everyone, I think they liked it. They were smiling so I think they did, so we said our goodbyes, and left, now heading home.

When we got home everyone seemed really happy. Auntie Nayeon was telling Aunties Jeongyeon, Momo, and Sana how much she missed homemade food and that Ms.Kim's food was so good.

Auntie Jihyo was talking to mom, Aunties Mina, Tzuyu, and Dahyun about how much of a nice lady Ms.Kim is, and that they really trust her.

I went to my room, relaxing on my bed. The only thing I can think about is school right now. It's scary, and school isn't fun..but I guess it's okay.

What could possibly go wrong?

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