Chapter 48

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Y/n's POV:
It's finally Friday, me and Min walked out of school. Usually we would pick up ice cream and walk home or to the company.

I have a pass because my mom and aunts are artists there. Min got her pass around 1 month ago because she is always with me and they know her because she's my girlfriend.

While we were walking, we just paid attention to each other, which is what I love about us. At the company, we got greeted by the receptionist and walked into the practice room "We're here"

They turned around and greeted us before we got started on our homework. Yea, my school gives us weekend homework.

Min started it, then I got forced to do it. I'm a procrastinator, but since I do my work with Min, I would get to have free time without stress. Yeah, so we started on our work, since it was only like 2 worksheets.

I was waiting for a calm or text from my friend saying she was coming or is on her way to the airport. Anyways, when we finished our homework, we sat in our favorite corner.

She sat down first, then I sat between her legs, leaning my head back on her shoulder as we sat down together and watched YouTube. In the middle of the video I got a call, so I picked it up "Hello?"

Kayla: "Hey, we're on our way to the airport, so I should be seeing you tomorrow. I should be landing in Korea around 11"

"Yeah, that's great. I'll see you then, but before you go...Happy Birthday"

Kayla: "I thought you said you didn't know when it was"

I silently cheered because I was just taking a lucky guess "I'll be honest, it was a lucky guess"

She laughed and we both said bye before hanging up. I looked up at Min who was smiling down at me "Your friend?"

I nodded "She's coming to Korea with my other friends who should be landing later tonight around 11, so I'm gonna give them a tour tomorrow. Then on Sunday, would you like to meet them?"

Min: "Yeah, I would love to meet your friends. But now I guess I can have a mother-daughter day with my mom"

"That's great, and I can't wait for you to meet them"

We continued to watch the video, and I ended up falling asleep, but I could also tell that Min was hugging me. It was a good rest of the day, we had dinner later, and Min went home later at night. So I was glad I got to spend all day with her was great.

~Next Day~

I'm gonna meet my friends today, and they texted me their location at the hotel. I grabbed my camera, hat, mask, and jacket before running out to the living room "I'm heading out!"

Mom, Aunties Momo, Sana, Jeongyeon, Mina, and Nayeon stopped me because they wanted to say bye. I hugged them all "I love you guys, I'll be back later tonight" They waved me off.

I walked to their hotel and met them inside their room, we hugged and got caught up. "So you and Kayla...huh? Well tomorrow you're meeting my girlfriend. Today will just be me showing you around"

After a while we got up and left the hotel. We walked around, took photos, bought things, and I could tell they were having so much fun.

I was having a lot of fun, but we decided to rest at the park, and I was leaning against Kayla while she was talking to her girlfriend and while I was talking to my other friends.

Now I can see why Min was a little jealous, it really does look like I'm super close with Kayla, but we both have girlfriends, but we're close because of how long we've been friends.

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