Chapter 24

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This chapter is all in Y/n's POV

Y/n's POV:
I finally woke up and saw that I was laying on Min, she must've done this carefully. I don't move because I don't want to wake her up, but I saw Twice watching a movie so I carefully grabbed my phone, scrolling through Instagram for a while, well until I saw the video clip of what Ahn did to us pop up.

How did anyone get this?! I got up quickly, accidentally waking up Min in that moment and ran up to Twice "Guys! Mom! Aunties!" They looked at me and I showed them the video of what happened

Nayeon: "How did anyone get that video?"

Mom's phone rang, and she put it on speaker since it was the school "Miss Son, I just found out our school security has just been hacked. The video of the incident has been leaked" Mom told him we just found out now, and hung up.

Her phone rang again, this time it was Mrs.Kim, after being on call with her for quite some time, she walked to her bag and grabbed Min's phone "Min, come here please"

Min walked up to mom, looking at her. Mom gave Min her phone back "Your mom said she saw the video and understands the incident. You aren't grounded but just be ready to talk when you get home tomorrow" Min nodded and went back to our little corner.

After a few minutes, JYP entered the room asking when I will be back, but then he saw me and Min and called for us both. Mom walked up to him before we left "What's going on?"

JYP: "Two girls in the video are JYP trainees"

I looked down, I've already known about them for about a week already. I wish Ahn was the only one who got in trouble, but Jieun did go along with it as well, so she chose her fate

JYP: "I was going to talk to Y/n about it, but I see her friend is also here so can I talk to them both"

Mom nodded, so we followed him all the way to his office, when we got there we saw 2 girls also heading our way with a manager leading them. We entered his office, standing in front of his desk while he sits down looking at us

JYP: "I want to hear what happened, I know I can watch the video but I want your side of the story"

I looked at Min, she wasn't in the mood to talk "Okay so on my first day of school I accidentally bumped into Ahn, she overreacted and wanted to beat me up. I spent that entire week with Min avoiding her, I knew she was a trainee that same Monday, so I had to avoid her here too.

Well this, me and Min were on our way to class, but Ahn and her gang surrounded us, and dragged both of us to a place where there were really no teachers. She asked me why I was in Korea, she doesn't know I'm Chaeyoung's daughter, so I kind of gave her a snarky remark, which caused her to punch me in the stomach.

Then she told me I was avoiding her, and I gave her another sassy remark, so she had her goo- I mean friends pin me against the wall and beat me up, Auntie Jihyo says I have multiple bruises though. I was too weak to fight but when I saw her going for Min I kicked the 2 holding me back and tackled Ahn, that is when Min was basically thrown back against the wall.

She kicked me off of her and punched me, but I tripped her before she could get to Min again, so she pinned me against the floor, but before she could punch me again, the teacher came up to us and stopped it. We both got suspended for 1 day, so we can't go to school tomorrow and had to go home today. I don't know about them."

Min nodded as JYP looked at her, then nodded a little "I see...well how do you guys feel?" We both said that we were good, and he wrote something down "Okay. Did either one of them talk to you after the incident?"

Min shook her head, and I nodded "Jieun did, she said she only did what she did because she was afraid to go against Ahn, and that Ahn would beat her up for not listening to her. I forgive Jieun, but Ahn we don't"

JYP nodded "I'll take note of that. Their manager will walk you back. So you can go"

We bowed and walked out. Ahn was glaring at us, but Jieun gave Min a piece of paper before walking into the room. While Manager Unnie was leading us down the hall we read the paper that she gave us.

'I wanted to say I'm sorry one last time. I'm sorry, but I was able to get the video and secretly posted it online for it to go viral. Doing that I knew we'd be in trouble, if fine though really. I know Ahn will have to go back to her hometown if she leaves the company. Me? Well I'll see you at school, if anyone tries to bully me for this, don't stop them. I deserve it. Fighting!'

With that we hoped that Jieun got off easily, and we also got excited because Ahn will have to leave us alone. When we got back to the practice room, they asked us what happened, Min told them as I got our things ready to go. They understood, and was pretty glad about what was happening.

After a long day, we're finally going back home. Me and Min decided to start my YouTube channel, we filmed a video together with us reacting to funny Twice moments, and we also came up with a name and intro.

It was a pretty good day after all, also we shared my bed since we were both too stubborn to not let the other person sleep on the floor. It's fine though, we're close, maybe too close.

I'm not gonna admit it just yet, but I might have feelings for Min, but maybe she's just a really good friend, right? I'm confused, well tomorrow I get to hang out with my favorite people again.

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