Chapter 26

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Momo's POV:
We're thinking about what to do today, since Min and Y/n are at the dorm because they can't be at school. Well I mean today I am gonna go out with Heechul and eat at a cafe, but maybe the girls wanna go with us, you know spend some time together.

"Chae, is it cool if I take the girls with me and Heechul?"

She nodded "You should ask Heechul though"

I called him "Hey baby"

He chuckled "Hi, I'll be leaving in a little bit to pick you up in a few minutes"

"Okay, so hey, I was wondering if you'd be okay if I brought Y/n and her friend Min with us. You know Min, the other girl in the video that went viral. We're watching her while her mom is at work"

He got quiet for a second "Video? What vid- oh okay. Yeah that's totally fine, I can't wait to meet Y/n though"

I laughed a little, we talked for a little bit before finally hanging up, then I went to Y/n's room "Sup buddy"

She paused the video she was watching "Yes Auntie"

I walked in "I was wondering if you guys both want to go to the cafe with me. You would get to meet Heechul, he's coming to pick me up, but if you guys want to go, then he'll pick us up"

Y/n looked at Min, just seeing her shrug "I'm okay, only if you're okay with it"

Y/n nodded "Sure, we'll go. I can't wait to meet him"

I nodded, and left them to whatever they were watching. I went back into the living room to watch TV with Chae. After 30 minutes, Heechul came over to pick us up. We shared a small Lis's, and I led him to the living room while I went to go get the girls.

When I walked into the room, they weren't there. I don't know why, but I moved closer to Y/n's bed. They popped up out of nowhere, one from the closet and the other was behind the door.


They started to laugh really hard, but then calmed down and started apologizing when they saw me staring at them. "Don't do that again. But I have to admit, you did a good job. Okay, let's go have fun"

Y/n's POV:
Auntie Momo walked into my room asking if we wanted to go with Heechul and her, and we said we were okay with it. When she walked out, me and Min went back to what we were doing, but changed and started to think of a plan to scare Auntie Momo.

We laughed when we finished coming up with our plan, because we know she gets scared easily, so why not try it. When we heard the doorbell, we took off into our hiding spots because Auntie Momo would be coming to get us.

"Min, you go behind the door" she stood behind the door, while I hid in my closet. We tried to stay as still as possible, when we heard her footsteps coming down the hall.

When she walked into my room, she started to look for us, getting closer to my bed. So we took that opportunity and popped out "Ah!"

She screamed really loud "AHH! GIRLS!!" That honestly made us laugh really hard, since that wasn't what we expected.

But now Auntie was staring us down, so we stopped laughing and apologized "I'm sorry Auntie" "Sorry Momo"

She was still looking at us "Don't do that again. But I have to admit, you did a good job. Okay, let's go have fun"

We followed her out, and both of us saw Heechul waiting on the couch. We bowed to be respectful, and he smiled at us "Hello"

I walked up to him "Hi, I'm Y/n, and this is Min"

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