Chapter 22

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Chae's POV:
Both Min and Y/n are asleep right now, I can't help but feel bad that they had to go through that. I sat down on the couch, Jihyo sat right next to me, so I put my head on her shoulder

Jihyo: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

I looked at her, smiling "I'm fine, I just feel bad for them, they don't deserve this. I want to find out who did this, all Y/n said was her friends are goons and she's the Queen Bee. I mean it's better than cursing"

Jihyo chuckled "She doesn't know who this girl is, so what if we ask the principal?"

I nodded "I hate that I have to punish her, but she did get suspended"

We both looked at them asleep on the floor, I got up, looking at the time. It's still not time for lunch, but I don't know if they're hungry.

Mina walked up to me "Babe, did Y/n ever say who those girls were?"

I shake my head, giving Mina a small kiss "Nope, maybe she doesn't know. But let's let them sleep, and we can get some food for them. Manager unnie and the others can watch them"

She nodded, so we headed out to get some food after we told Manager unnie. After we picked up the food, we headed back to the company, entering the practice room.

Min was awak now, watching YouTube videos on Y/n's phone. Guess she knows her password. Y/n was still asleep, but at the same time slightly moving so I think she's waking up. I just ask Min to wake her up, which she does, now both of them are awake.

They both headed over to us, seeing that we're about to eat. But before they sat down, both of them said "I need to use the restroom" at the same time, so I nodded and they headed off.

Y/n's POV:
Me and Min were walking to the restroom, and I'm just humming a song I know while Min was quiet. She looked at I know why she was quiet

Min: "Do you ever sing or dance?"

I shake my head "I don't think I'll be good at it, so I don't try"

She nodded a little, and walked into the restroom. We finished, and started to wash our hands when the door opened. Usually it's a quick glance and back to what I'm doing, but this time I kept eye contact with the girl.

I recognized her, it was one of Ahn's goons, so I turned around to face her. Min looked at both of us, wondering what's going to happen. She walked closer to us, so I took a step forward.

"You're one of Ahn's follow the leader"

She scoffed while smiling a little "Goons...yea that's true"

I moved in front of Min, she tried to move me but I didn't let her. I wasn't going to let her get hurt, and although I might not be strong, to protect my friends, I will try to be.

"What are you doing here?"

She looked at both of us "What are you doing here, you're not trainees"

I shake my head "I'm not gonna tell you. If you want to beat me up, go ahead. But you let Min walk out of here without laying a hand on her. Got it?"

She looked at me, saw my cut lip, and my bruised legs, Min was scared standing behind me, she just sighed "Look call me a goon. I am, I follow Ahn. I'm sorry for what I did to you? And you don't have to believe me or forgive me. I won't hurt you, either way once JYP finds out, I'm already out the door"

I nodded, walking to the door, pushing Min out, closing it, and making sure it was locked. Min was banging on the door, and I leaned against it for good measure to prevent her from coming in.

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