Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV:
It was such a long wait, but in the end I was now Son Y/n, which I am very happy about. But my happiness comes to an end when we show up to the place I will attend next month.

We pulled into the lot, and I really don't want to get out and go in there. Mom looked at me, and she can tell that I'm nervous. I mean it's school and I'm new, that is every reason to be nervous.

Mom: "Y/n honey, it'll be okay. Come on let's get down"

I shake my head "Can't I stay here, please?"

Mina looked back at me "Y/n, come on down. I would hate for you to be in trouble again, besides it won't be bad"

I nodded, I would hate to get in trouble too. We all got down, I held their hands as we walked in, I'm really nervous. It grows as we enter the school, we walked over to the office, and it looks like they called ahead because the principal was expecting them.

Principal "Hello Miss Son, Miss Myoui. Welcome to our school, and we are glad you are choosing to enroll Y/n here"

I looked away, and we followed him into his office. They started talking about rules, dress code, and all that stuff I'm supposed to know. Literally all I need to know is that I shouldn't be disrespectful and disruptive.

The same rules apply at every single school that exists. I'm sitting behind Auntie Mina, just quietly playing a game on my phone, but mom stopped me because just had to look back

Mom whispered "Y/n, get off your phone and pay attention"

I put my phone away and started to "Pay attention" but really I was just daydreaming. We finished, and I was scheduled to come next month. He gave us the tour, and it was honestly pretty big.

I found the classroom that I'm in, and met my teacher. It went really well, but I still don't want to go, I still don't want to be here.

At least I'll have Min, so I won't be terrible. I mean she'll be there, with me, hopefully. Like I said before..

What could possibly go wrong?

...Time Skip...

Oh before that, I would like to say nothing really happened. Twice would go to the company, and dance to songs they have out already. Min and I hung out more, and just wanted to stop time and not have to go to school

...1 Month Later...School

Chae's POV:
Me and the others got up early, and started getting Y/n's things together. Today is her first day of school, and we're so excited, but she doesn't seem to be fine. I keep telling her it's gonna be fine, but she keeps asking to stay home.

I try to wake her up "Y/n, it's the first day of school. Time to get up honey"

She looked up "Mom, why do I have to go, you can homeschool me. I'll be a good student"

I smiled "Y/n get dressed please. We have to take you to school, and when you come home you'll have a good day. Don't worry"

She nodded, and I walked out to let her get dressed. Jihyo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon are making breakfast and Y/n's lunch. Dahyun and Tzuyu are getting Y/n's school bag ready, Sana and Momo are watching TV. Mina was waiting for me to finish waking up Y/n.

Mina: "So did she get up?"

"Yeah she did. She's really scared about going, but she'll be fine right? She needs to go to school"

Mina hugged me and we walked into the kitchen to see everything for Y/n is packed. After a while, Y/n walked out, she looked so cute, she's not wearing her glasses, but is carrying the case, so I'm guessing she's bringing them just in case.

"Y/n, are you ready to eat?"

She's looking for her backpack, but can't seem to find it, so she didn't answer my question. I laughed a little as she just walked around looking all over the place.

"Y/n, your bag is by the door"

She nodded, putting her glasses in her bag, coming to sit down at the table. When she finished eating, she saw it was getting closer to the time, and went right back to begging me to stay.

Y/n: "Mom, please. Can't I stay home? What if they don't like me? What if I run into trouble? Please?"

I shake my head and look at the time "Okay let's get you to school. You'll like it, you'll make friends, and you'll realize that you like school"

She sighed, getting up and grabbing her bag. She gave everyone hugs and kisses, then me and her left for school.

Y/n's POV:
I tried really hard so I don't have to go to school, but here I am...I should've faked being sick. I have to go to school, and now I'm really nervous.

The car ride was silent, but sooner or later I saw the school in a distance, and as we got closer I saw so many kids. Mom dropped me off, I gave her a quick hug and kiss bye, and got out of the car.

I walked slowly to the front gate, and heard my name being called out. "Y/n!" When I turned around, I saw Min. We hugged and I felt a little better about being there.

We entered the school, and started making our way to class. I saw so many kids looking at me with shocked expressions. Min can see that I'm nervous about being here, so she linked arms with me, and we headed to our class.

When I found out we had the same class number together, I was so happy. I got even happier that our desks were next to each other. I sat against the window, and she sat on the end. Plus it was the back of the class, so I felt so much better.

The kids in our class are talking while we wait for our teacher to walk in, so I was talking to Min. When our teacher walked in, she wanted us to introduce ourselves, and what was even worse was that I had to start.

Min told me what to say so I can speak in Korean. We all introduced ourselves, and I felt really scared about being there, even more people were looking at me.

Min must've noticed, she held my hand to help me feel better. I mean I did feel better, it helped with Min being next to me, it helped a lot. The whole class period I was able to relax and pay attention to the teacher. Also helped that she talks in English.

During recess, a few kids came up to us, introducing themselves, and although we talked I still have trust issues, because I don't know if anyone would ever be using me.

Half of the day went by, and at lunch, I of course had to meet the mean kids, aka the bullies. I was lucky and got away, but I swear next time they won't hesitate to beat me.

I made it back to class in one piece, and was also able to meet some more kids. The whole class is nice, but I think that's more because of who's my mom. But overall I think I like school, other than those mean kids, you bump into one of them and they act like you shoved them.

When school ended, Manager unnie was able to pick me up, and we headed to the company. I was so ready to sleep on the couch in the practice room. School is so exhausting, and it's hard to sleep in class.

Before we went to the company, me and Manager unnie went to go pick up some food for everyone, then we went to the company.

We arrived at the company, both getting down, going inside while talking to each other. I saw 2 people who look so familiar, and I swear it was 2 kids from that group, the mean kids.

I slowly hid behind manager unnie, making it to the practice room unnoticed. So that just made my after school routine a whole lot harder. I didn't tell anyone, and just told Twice that it was that bad.

I got a bunch of "I told you so" responses.

We talked about how school went, but I may or may not have left out the part when I almost got beat up, you need to worry them.

When we finished eating, I actually did end up falling asleep on the couch in the practice room, since I didn't have homework because it was the first day.

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