Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV:
I decided that, while we wait for food to come, I would check the responses on my story. I shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore..

I was really nervous, but I did it, and it was what I really expected, like sure there's hate, but they are really Mean.

'That makes sense, a lot more sense'
'Oh then I'm sorry for saying the things I said'
'Like I'll this, quit your bullshit and go back to America'
That's understandable, don't let them get to you. Fighting'
'BS! Twice doesn't need a liar in their family. You're disrespectful that you don't even belong in Korea. Go home'

Okay..more love than hate. That last one hit me hard though, it's not my fault that they made me show myself to the world.

I just got so mad, and filled with emotions that I can't control. I don't know how I did it, but I threw my phone on the table and stormed out of the room. I don't care about the consequences, I'm just hurt.

Manager unnie came running after me, she was telling me to come back. I stopped where I was, leaned against the wall, and broke down crying. It didn't take long.

Manager unnie: "What's wrong?"

"It's the people, their fans, their haters, other people. It's everyone. I explained what happened, and honestly I was okay with the 'oh I don't believe you' and others are nice, but there are some that are telling me it's BS and I don't deserve to be here and should leave and go back to America, that I don't belong with Twice. I've read others that I should not repeat."

She got me up, moving me a little closer to the door. She sat me back down "You can stay here, but I'm going in to explain everything to them, then I'll come back out."

I just nodded, she smiled softly before going back inside. I just cried with my knees to my chest. It's just because I'm not used to it.

Sana's POV:
Me, Momo, and Dubs are in the middle of a vlive, when it all got quiet. Y/n had thrown her phone on the table before storming out the door. Manager unnie got up following her. I looked back confused, catching glimpses of the comments.

'Woah, what happened'
'She's such a rude girl. I knew she made up that lie'
'She has an attitude, that's not right. You guys don't need her'
*etc. hate comments*

"Hey guys, don't hate on Y/n please. She doesn't deserve that"

Dahyun got up, checking her phone. Just to make sure she didn't crack it, but I guess she found out what happened. She looked through something with a frown.

Manager unnie walked in, I saw a tiny glimpse of Y/n crying, pretty hard too. I put my phone down to hear what was happening.

Manager unnie: "Okay so after what happened outside, she posted something saying her side of the story. They are calling her a liar, saying she's disrespectful, but the ones that get to her are the ones telling her to get out of Korea and go back to America. Also saying that she doesn't deserve to be with you. She can't handle all of it, so she's outside crying. She said fans, haters, people were sending that. But I'll be with her"

When she left, I picked up Y/n's phone seeing a few fan accounts, anti accounts, and just people there. I showed the other, and we all understood after reading a few messages.

Chaeyoung's POV:
I'm a little upset...actually no I'm really upset with Once, she's just a kid and isn't used to getting hate like this.

She explained her side, and they didn't believe it, I mean they don't have to, but they should've kept their words to themselves.

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