Chapter 33

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Jihyo's POV:
I watched a very flustered Y/n and a very red Min separate from each other, they were stuttering quite a lot. So I was on a hunt to go find Chaeyoung, running through out the dorm, but when I needed her most, I can't find her

I found Mina first. "Mina, meet me in the living room!" Then I found 5 more in the next room "Guys, living room. Now!"

I finally found Chaeyoung with the rest of the group "Living room!" I ran to the living room to see a group of very confused people, then wait for everyone to sit around me

Jeongyeon sighed "What Ji, did they say no to going out to eat?"

I shook my head "No, they said yes. But something happened in that room" Everyone perked up, so I continued "So I walk in, going 'So' and I hear a thud, and when I look up Y/n is on the floor and Min is very red. Y/n became a stuttering mess...I think they kissed"

Chaeyoung's face lit up "No way, really?!"

Just before I could continue, Min and Y/n walked into the living room, Min was wearing one of Y/n's hoodies, and Y/n has a lot of oversized hoodies, so I think they look cute. Y/n was also wearing her hoodie, but what caught our attention was that they were holding hands!

When they saw us, they separated very quickly. Something definitely happened. Everyone noticed it too, we need to know

Chaeyoung smiled "So, is there anything you guys need to tell us or...?"

I hit Chae, she just shrugged and looked back at them. They shook their heads, and Min whispered something to Y/n. She held Min's hand again, and they both walked to the kitchen trying to act calm.

Y/n's POV:
Min and I made it to the kitchen when I turned around "Do you think they know something?"

She nodded "Yeah, they know something, but what's the problem. Aren't Nayeon and Jeongyeon a thing, as well as Mina and Chaeyoung?"

I nodded and started to ramble "Yeah, but how will they react to that being my first kiss, or about me kissing. What about us, we aren't a thing..or are we. But that would be too fast, that would be too slow. What about staying friends, but I want to be girlfriends, but we need to go on dates, but we need time, but we already kissed. Wha-"

Min held my hand "Y/n, you're rambling, you are freaking out. Take a deep breath please"

I nodded and took a deep breath, she really does know how to calm me down. She smiled "Okay, we said we would talk when we got back, but now seems like the time to do it"

I nodded, I mean I was freaking out. But we sat down at the table, and she started "Okay, we kissed and we both agreed to the fact that we both enjoyed it. So we are friends as of right now, we aren't girlfriends. But I would like to take that chance to ask you right now. Would you be my girlfriend?"

I stopped for a second "Don't we need to go on dates, see how it works. You know, all that?"

She just laughed, I'm so confused "Y/n, we spend basically all our time together. If it doesn't work, I would been very surprised"

She had a point, a very good point. I nodded "Yeah, Yeah of course. That actually makes sense"

She smiled and chuckled a little. Might I add how much I love that sound "So Y/n, what do you say. You can say no, and that you want to wait...I'll wait"

She kills me, I'm dead...Wait if I'm dead, I can't be with her "Y-Yeah, uh yes obviously"

We got up and hugged, and there it goes. I got my first girlfriend, well my first relationship. It was kind of unexpected but we kissed...Again.

And Again...INTERRUPTED by a cough. We separated very quickly, this time no one fell, but when we looked up, there stood the 9 members of Twice.

"H-Hey mom, Aunties...This isn't wh-"

Mom smiled "It's exactly what it looks like, so like I said before..Anything you want to tell us?" She had a mischievous smile on her face, of course she knew. Mom's know everything

I looked at Min, and she gave me the 'Do whatever you want. I'm okay either way' look. I nodded, then reached over and held her hand

"Meet my girlfriend"

Not even a second after I said it, they came over running, very excited, hugging us both. I guess they are excited...couldn't tell.

Chae's POV:
We saw them heading into the kitchen, and it seemed more like Y/n was the one panicking while Min was able to calm her down in a second.

"Something is happening, and I want to know what"

Jihyo hit me again "Give them space, they probably need to talk about what happened"

We agreed to give them space, but they seemed to be in there for a while, so I walked into the kitchen, but they were way into their conversation to notice me there.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed very interesting because it looked very intense. Min seemed calm actually smiling, Y/n seemed more worried, like she wanted to smile but was stopping herself.

They are so cute, I really hope something works out, this could end in a very good way. I mean at this point Mina, Sana, Momo, and Dahyun are all standing with me, watching them. We're all curious about this conversation.

It didn't take long for the rest of them to be standing there. I mean we are giving them privacy because we can't hear their conversation, but yeah not a lot of privacy because we are watching them talk.

Something happened..They got up and hugged, they seemed very excited, I have no idea what about though. Oh, I have no idea who made the move, but that is quite the sight.

They stared at each other, and I guess both went into the kiss. We let them kiss for a little bit, but I have to remember that Y/n is my baby, and I should be protective, but it's Min we're talking about. I'm okay with it.

Jihyo coughed and they separated really quickly, I'm pretty sure it was faster than the fastest person alive. I swear it was so quick.

Y/n got so flustered "H-Hey mom, Aunties...This isn't wh-"

Yeah kissing isn't what it looks like, yeah right "It's exactly what it looks like, so like I said before..Anything you want to tell us?"

I was smiling, and they looked at each other for...Uh confirmation? I don't know. But Y/n reach out and held her hand, and it's so CUTE

Y/n: "Meet my girlfriend"

I've never been more excited, and I guess I'm not alone. We all got excited, and next thing you know we're hugging them out of excitement.

No One's POV:
When the hug finished, Y/n and Min were finally able to breath, which Twice apologized for. They were just too excited, who wouldn't be though.

They decided that going out to eat would be a celebration now, and it was. Min and Y/n held hands almost the entire time, Y/n put her head on Min's shoulder, and Min would kiss Y/n's forehead.

It's like they're made for each other, and it makes sense. They seemed a lot happier, not trying to hide their feelings, and felt relief that the others knew, and that they are actually together.

Min is with Y/n a lot, Mrs.Kim and Twice have gotten a lot closer thanks to Y/n and Min. Maybe they might have some downs, but they will get through it together, right?

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